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08-03-2002, 11:13 AM
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.::Roller blading/skating in conjunction with figure skating?::.
.::Starting Lessons and good levels to start lessons with::.
.::Family and your skating::.

My forum is new! :wink: But I am hoping to excel with time! Please come by and say Hi, I would like as much support as I could get, thankyou so much for all the support I have had so far. :D


08-03-2002, 11:28 AM
I never found that rollerblading helped my ice skating at all, if anything it hindered it but then I didn't have figure boots at that point just the 'rollerblade' rollerblades! I've got Wifa SuperGoldstar boots with the Risport 'Artistic' rollerblade base now but haven't tried them out yet!

Once I started ice skating more regularly I found it more and more difficult to rollerblade!

L x

08-03-2002, 11:34 AM
I found that rollerblading helps a great deal as far as keeping the leg muscles in shape plus it builds my stamina.

The only drawback, and madam coach has come down on me for this, is that you can develop bad stroking habits. So when I rollerblade now, I try to stroke like a figure skater...

08-03-2002, 11:38 AM
Figureskates, you are just like me! You see I have spent since..forever rollerblading, and it helps me a lot in terms of health, fitness and strength, which I have benefitted from a lot. And now that I get more and more used to ice skating, I have had to alter the way I blade, and I always watch the way I do my stroking and..hey after a big break from blading, I forget that I dont have a toe pick there and ..!! ARGHH! :oops: :lol:
But in the long run, I tend to gain from blading when I cant get to the rink!

08-03-2002, 11:48 AM
Figurebabe, I use to use the heel brake on the rollerblades...until the day I was in my figures and tried to apply the heel break.....very exciting as I shot out the gate of the rink, did a sumersault and landed right in front of my coach!!!!

I do a modifed T-stop on the blades now.

I also found that rollerblading really has tightened up my adominal muscles...

08-03-2002, 12:04 PM
lol :lol:
I also do a sort of Turn-Tstop thingy... And being quite adventurous, I also tried a smallll teensy weensy waltz jump on my blades, fair enough I landed it but it was ugly, and small and horrible! But by now, ive practised it and WEHEY! I have a reasonably O..KKK.. waltz jump on blades!! (But hey if anyone even suggests me trying a 1rev jump, ill probably have a heart attack!) :P :lol:


08-03-2002, 12:17 PM
I will leave the waltz jumps to my figures. I have a strong allergy to concrete and asphalt... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

08-03-2002, 01:02 PM
yes, i do think that rollerblading helps with figure skating. i like to rollerblade but i don't have anytime or space to do rollerblading! :( oh well! but yes i think it helps! :D

Terri C
08-03-2002, 03:42 PM
For all the reasons that everyone stated with converting back and forth, that's the reason I don't rollerblade and really have no desire to try.

08-03-2002, 11:31 PM
Rollerblading is [i:c096767524]so [/i:c096767524]different! First of all, there are no toepicks - those things can be annoying at times but figure skaters actually use them a lot! Also, there are no edges - well, there might be, but the support in inline skates aren't even remotely close to the support in figure skates, so usually I feel like falling over anyway when I try to do an edge. It just feels different. 8O But I noticed that I stroke rather efficiently on those inlines because I skate so much, LOL...it's just the stopping and the turning I stink at! :P

08-04-2002, 09:56 AM
I tried inlines for the first time last night and took right to them, but immediately missed the toe picks! I also did not get the same range of motion with my ankle, and the boots came up way high on my leg I could stroke rather well on them though. I'd really like to try pic frames, but they are so $$$ and I just don't have the means to get them right now.

08-05-2002, 08:40 AM
It's good for endurance, but a pain switching back and forth.

08-05-2002, 12:17 PM
Once I started ice skating more regularly I found it more and more difficult to rollerblade!


Lynne, [b:29efd5f95b]exactly[/b:29efd5f95b]! I found that rollerblading, which I'd done first, helped somewhat while I was getting into things, and helped a tiny bit while I was figuring out back crossovers. But after that, forget it! :lol: The balance point is so different (over the middle/ball in figure boots, over the middle/heel in rollerblades) that I felt that I was going to go over backwards...and I used to be rather good at rollerblading, but now I don't even attempt it! 8O

If I had pic-frames though, I might try that. I just enjoy jumps and spins so much that skating straight or in circles kind of bores me now, even though skating outside would be nice.

08-06-2002, 05:43 AM
I do not use traditional "flat" inlines. I am fortunate to have an outdoor roller rink nearby and skate there on pics. It does help my ice skating. You have to push harder and have more precise technique b/c wheels are less forgiving. It is impossible to slip through a move. I use them for stroking exercises and basic MITF. I can do 1/2 jumps on them but cannot spin hardly at all (and I am a very competent ice spinner). If I have been on pics exclusively for a couple of weeks (as is the case in summer) and I go back to ice, I have to readjust, but it doesn't take very long. IMO, ice skating is easier, maybe b/c I am used to it.

As for basic distance skating, I do that on quad rollers. These are so different from ice skates that they do not seem to occupy the same muscle memory. This also helps to build strength and stamina.
