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View Full Version : Rockets or damp squibs: 8-14 November 2004

Mrs Redboots
11-09-2004, 06:52 AM
This week's title is in honour of our recent Bonfire Night (5 November), and the fact that the night is still rendered fairly hideous by fireworks.....

Today was definitely a damp squib. First of all, I forgot that my bus pass had expired and that I needed to renew it. Arrived at the Tube station to find that both the "Quick tickets" machines were out of service, only one machine in use took credit cards, and there was a queue a mile long for both it and the ticket-office. So that took time, then found that the traffic was appalling and the bus very slow. So by the time I arrived at the rink, I would have only had about ten minutes to skate with Husband anyway, before he had to go to work. However, my skates were still in my coach's car, he had gone to the supermarket, and his wife was not only teaching, but also didn't have the car keys. So I had to wait until he came back, which meant I basically overlapped with Husband on the ice by about two minutes! Plus my blades were horrendously sharp!

Moreover, I had done an off-ice workout yesterday, and was (and am) horrendously stiff today. Plus my friend the dance teacher says I really ought to do it THREE TIMES A WEEK if I'm to get the benefit. Sigh.

However, the patch goes on for another 2 hours after he's gone to work, so
I got my act together and did some skating. Once my blades had worn in, which took about an hour (some of which was admittedly spent chatting to the mum who is a dance and fitness teacher), I got on all right, but discovered I am still having problems with forward outside swing rolls. Sigh....

Rockets: Not a very great deal today, mostly back inside edges were great (and nearly bumped into my coach doing them, who, of course, hadn't been watching! Typical.. He only sees them when I do them really cr4p!), inside 3s worked relatively well, for me, inside edges in both directions fine, BO edges not too bad. Forgot to do Russian stroking. Back cross-rolls okay, back cross-cuts still iffy.

It was nice having a cup of tea in the pros' room after the session, though!

Terri C
11-09-2004, 06:57 PM
I'm back in training mode for the New Years Invitational in DC in February.
Yesterday, I worked on spins, since they were my PIA at Halloween Classic. i also played with music that I may use for Interpretive at New Year's.

Coach wants to borrow my CD so she can copy it for herself!
I'll give it to her on Thursday.
I also got my competition video and watched it, since I was the last skater and didn't watch anyone in my group. My spins were horrible, but my jumps and footwork were great! I have to give it to Coach tommorow when I see her.

Mrs Redboots
11-10-2004, 06:16 AM
Damp Squib: Husband has had to go on a business trip for a few days, so this morning was our last practice until Sunday, which isn't a very good idea when we only have 2 more lessons before the competition! At least it isn't a serious competition. And we have promised ourselves two solid hours next Tuesday. When we arrived, we were told not to get on, as the ice was dreadful and was about to be cut. Which was great, and it was good afterwards, but cut into our time. And I bottled an awful lot of things I ought to have been able to do.... but we have stepped through it, and it ought to work, I think/hope/think.

By the time he left (sniff, sniff :cry: :cry: , I won't see him until Saturday night.....), I had adjusted to my blades, the ice, and everything else, and was skating up a storm. But some things didn't work so great: back cross-cuts demand more of my tummy muscles than they are able to give; apparently I was still turning in on my back cross-rolls (but I learnt the hard way that the deeper edge you are on, and the more whammy you give to it, the less turn-out you actually need!).... you know the picture. Plus I am still having trouble with forward swing rolls, of all the odd things to have trouble with - I apparently am not bringing my pelvis through enough, and then have trouble changing weight.

And I hate the Mohawk exercise he makes me do. I'd rather do Starlight Waltz Mohawks than this one, which I find hard. LFI/RBI Mohawk, cross to LBI, step to RFI/LBI Mohawk, cross to RBI, repeat ad nauseam. There are so many nicer Mohawk exercises, why can't I do them instead?

Rockets: Backwards skating went well, for once, although slow. But I managed to get up speed, even on back outside edges. Back inside edges were fine, didn't have to repeat them! On my "stamina-training" exercise (back crossovers to landing position all round the rink), I finally managed to do them doing proper crossovers, not cross-strokes, which meant they weren't beautiful, but felt stronger! Actually managed back crossovers in both directions - discovered my clockwise ones were better than my anti-clockwise ones because my inside leg was going out to the side a little behind my outside leg, which made all the difference, so altered that on my anti-clockwise ones and it worked there, too! Waltz 3s fine, though slow. Inside 3s "much better - you're getting a little push now!"

All in all, a good session. Plus I've done some off-ice training, and am exhausted..... it feels great! :)

Mrs Redboots
11-11-2004, 06:21 AM
I suppose with all last weekend's competitions, a lot of you are having down-time this week!

I don't normally skate on a Thursday morning, but this morning there were tests and two young friends of mine were testing, so I kindly got up at my normal skating time and was down at the rink in time to watch them. Stood around for 2 hours watching tests, and in the end only skated for 30 minutes - it was bitterly cold, the ice was incredibly hard, and there were lumps everywhere from double jumps! Did manage to do some American waltz 3s, although I don't do them well, some Starlight waltz Mohawks, and most of my usual exercises, including back chasses. Then went and drank tea in the pros' room, and put the world to rights, like you do.....

Both the skaters I'd come to support passed one test and failed the other! One passed Level 8 Elements but failed Level 7 Free, the other passed Level 6 Free but failed Level 6 elements. The maddening thing was that she only just failed, and the judge was giving her as many re-skates as were allowed to try to increase her mark, and was like, "I'm really sorry!" when the skater simply couldn't show the consistency on her double cherry and axel-double-loop that she needed to do. Even more maddening - it was just nerves on the skater's part, as she normally does those jumps really well! We made her go out there for her Free, although she was upset, and pointed out that she'd absolutely nothing to lose, and she skated a blinder! You could see that the judge was really relieved at being able to pass her.

11-11-2004, 10:08 AM
Damp Squibs
I had one of those horrendous falls yesterday that has put me out of action for a little while. I was practising my step sequence and fell on a tap-toe. One leg went in one direction the other crumpled underneath me and I really thought I was going to break my ankle....again. Apart from landing on my leg I hit my elbow hard on the ice and was out of it for a little while. It was an awful feeling laid out there on the ice with everyone standing over me and me being too out of it to respond. I seem to have twisted my lower leg and hit the metal plate I have in my ankle, and my arm is stuck at a right angle as any extension or excessive bending is extremely painful on my elbow. The joys of this sport!

Before the above mentioned incident, I did actually have quite a nice lesson. My new programme is coming together and my field moves flowed a little better.

I got out of last night's adult rehearsal for our Christmas show so was able to sit on the side and laugh at Batikat :P and co! (Sorry G!)


Mrs Redboots
11-11-2004, 11:25 AM
Owww. Poor Nicki, hope you heal soon (and Batikat was, I'm sure, being funny on purpose, which she is very good at!).

11-11-2004, 11:27 AM
Damp squib: Did not pass Novice Moves (US) which I took this morning. Two moves I didn't do as well as I usually can in practice - probably test nerves.

Rockets: Did get one judge to pass me, and skated pretty well otherwise. I am happy with my effort.

11-11-2004, 06:49 PM
I got out of last night's adult rehearsal for our Christmas show so was able to sit on the side and laugh at Batikat :P and co! (Sorry G!)


Well honestly - the lengths some people will go to to get out of rehearsals!!! :roll: ;)

Actually you missed a treat - I've never seen so many grown adults acting like spoilt 3 year olds - you had to laugh!!!

I just hope the number will turn into something more than it's present embarassing mess or I'll have to fake injury to get out of it too! :oops: 8O :twisted:

Just get better soon Nicki - you can't leave me alone with these people!!!!! - and you've got the only decent spin!

Damp Squib - not really enjoying my skating at the moment - maybe 'cos I said after the Adult Championships that I would concentrate on freeskating ( I know I have a Loop in me somewhere - just can't seem to find it right now) but have somehow managed to end up putting in for dance tests ( a Rhythm Blues variation , level 2 dance moves and Free dances) so haven't done much freeskating at all. My own fault - I foolishly mentioned the R.Blues variation to my coach and how getting that would give me level 1 or 2 (UK) in every section of each discipline (i.e. elements and free in freeskating and CD's, variation and Free dance in dance together with field/dance moves) so his predictable answer was to enter me straight away!

Having said that I did actually do some freeskating in my lesson today and while the loop is still AWOL I did do some really good 3 jumps (waltz), a centred scratch spin and a few decent toe-loops and salchows so not all bad news.

11-11-2004, 08:59 PM
OK, here goes:

Rockets: Passed Silver FS last weekend. Learned Rocker Foxtrot (which I can't do, but that rocker and closed mohawk are cool and it's a fun dance...just wait about six months, though, and it will move down to the "damp squib" category). Miraculously landed an axel out of an outside spread eagle on the first try. 8O

Damp squibs: Could not duplicate the said axel, and managed to bruise my tailbone in the process. Ooof. Very uncomfortable drive home, and I'm wondering how I'm going to manage to sit at my desk at work tomorrow for 8 hours.
Gold moves. Need I say more? :giveup:

11-11-2004, 09:08 PM
Rockets - Penny - congrats! I skated on our adult session and am working out the first of many strange steps in my new fs program. It's sort of a forward pivot with the right toe planted, and the left foot crossed behind and to the side skating along. Then there's the figures loop.....
It's been interesting.

My boots still hurt, so a friend stuck a hockey puck up toward the toe and promises it will help! A good use for hockey!

Terri C
11-11-2004, 09:19 PM
Rockets :
All of my spins except camel ( we're starting that one with baby steps) were pretty good on lesson today.
This idea my coach had ( you know what happens whe coaches have ideas) was a rocket- instead of just doing half lutz followed by LFO3 with a waltz jump toe loop, to add another toe loop after the waltz toe, making the jump sequence like this :
Half lutz, LFO3, waltz-toe-toe.
It quickly turned into a dead squib when I did it and
Jill (coach) : Terri , that was awesome! Guess what we're adding to your program!! 8O 8O

Oh and the ice was not cut at all today since hockey. :roll:

11-12-2004, 02:38 AM
Well honestly - the lengths some people will go to to get out of rehearsals!!! :roll: ;)

I don't know! I could drag this injury out until....I don't know.....say 20th December?!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:


11-12-2004, 04:55 AM
Rockets - Penny - congrats! I skated on our adult session and am working out the first of many strange steps in my new fs program. It's sort of a forward pivot with the right toe planted, and the left foot crossed behind and to the side skating along. Then there's the figures loop.....
It's been interesting.

My boots still hurt, so a friend stuck a hockey puck up toward the toe and promises it will help! A good use for hockey!

If the hockey puck doesn't quite cut it, try a golf ball or 2 shoved up in the toe box between wearings.

Mrs Redboots
11-12-2004, 06:34 AM
Damp squib: Did not pass Novice Moves (US) which I took this morning. Two moves I didn't do as well as I usually can in practice - probably test nerves.

Rockets: Did get one judge to pass me, and skated pretty well otherwise. I am happy with my effort.Oh, poor you, how infuriating. Novice, despite its name, is really quite a high-level test in the USA, I understand, and if it's anything like here, the judges get harsher and harsher as you go up the levels! Not only is the pass mark raised, but you have to skate a whole lot better to get that pass mark.

11-12-2004, 09:01 AM
Jenlyon60 - Thanks! I also tried a d cell bettery and one of my dog's toys. I have quite the odd assortment in my skate bag!
Whatever works.

11-12-2004, 11:04 AM
Rockets - Penny - congrats! I skated on our adult session and am working out the first of many strange steps in my new fs program. It's sort of a forward pivot with the right toe planted, and the left foot crossed behind and to the side skating along. Then there's the figures loop.....
It's been interesting.

Hi, flo--
I was thinking about the loop you mentioned and the exit. Is it forward inside? If so, I just saw Yuka Sato on TV do a forward inside loop and I think she did FI-BI mohawk after it. It was in a Brian Boitano skating thingy...

11-12-2004, 11:11 AM
Hi Mika,
It's a left outside loop as an exit from a layback. I'm working on it :roll: As plan B, I'll exit the spin as usual, on the right outside edge, and rock over to an inside edge and do a right back inside loop.

I'll have to watch it done a few more times! I think that Sara Hughes also does it! Well, I have 'till April.....

11-12-2004, 04:46 PM
I don't know! I could drag this injury out until....I don't know.....say 20th December?!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:


You're not getting out of it that easily - we will be demanding to see x-ray evidence of irreperable damage before we let you get out of this now!!! Hope it's better soon - I need someone to have a laugh with as we strut our funky stuff!!

11-12-2004, 10:15 PM
Test day is next week. *insert cold sweat smilie here*

Rockets: Rockers and choctaws and expanding exercise. They are both great.

Damp Squibs: Brackets. :frus: It's going to be a damn shame to waste such great aforementioned exercises on a test I'm going to fail because my brackets SUCK.

11-13-2004, 05:46 AM
You're not getting out of it that easily - we will be demanding to see x-ray evidence of irreperable damage before we let you get out of this now!!! Hope it's better soon - I need someone to have a laugh with as we strut our funky stuff!!



Mrs Redboots
11-13-2004, 06:15 AM
Damp Squib: Not actually damp, but bitterly cold! Even with tights, trackies, polo top, fleece, knitted boot-covers and gloves I was cold, and there was no stopping to chat today!

With no husband (he's been delayed and won't be back until tomorrow, if then), I was rather unmotivated to skate, but wanted to try the Evil Exercise DBNY posted to the Usenet Group (you do 3 back cross-rolls and hold the 3rd for a whole circle). This proved impossible, and I couldn't even do it forwards.... actually, I quite nearly could do it forwards, but backwards I managed a tidy semi-circle, then ground to a halt. But very good for my cross-rolls, though!

Someone was working a Foxtrot, so I did the Prelim Foxtrot, which is the first dance you learn here - just crossovers and swing rolls. Oh dear.... why are my swing rolls so dire? I was seriously sticking my behind in the air, I think - felt like it, anyway. Memo to self: try again, tomorrow!

Rockets: Not a great deal. I did some good chassés, though, and some reasonable waltz 3s. And one child had the prettiest skating skirt, not that it was any weather to wear a skirt, and I gather it was really cheap in a cheap clothes shop. Must look to see if they do them in adult sizes!

the old gurl
11-13-2004, 11:00 AM
Rockets: FINALLY did some (rather pathetic) LFI-RFI mohawks last night with no support from boards or coach. Now I can really start working on the mohawks part of the Prelim Skills test. Three-turns, here we come!

Squibs: Just the frustration of knowing exactly what a dance (skills exercise, turn) is supposed to look like and having this aged body not cooperate the way I want it to.

I shouldn't complain too much -- I've been skating in lessons just over a year, I'm in my forties and I KNOW how much progress I've made, but still....

Partnering on the Fiesta next week -- yay!

11-13-2004, 12:50 PM

I've got the Swing Dance polished, practiced in the (smaller) rink that I will test at, and managed to get the pattern in and my mental cues as to where it will all fit. Coach hasn't made any choking noises at any of my difficult parts so I guess I'm finally getting it.

Damp Squibs:

I don't have a thing to wear. Oh I could wear my practice dress if I have to, and I did break down and buy new tights, but I wanted to get a dress that was waltzy-swingy, and everything I tried on either didn't fit, or fit but made me look pudgier than I already am, or was the wrong colour or was just too darn expensive for a teeny outfit.

I have actual skating damp squibs, but I'm obsessed with dresses right now so the actual skating doesn't really matter!

This is what I wanted, but black doesn't look good on me.
Jerry's dance dress (http://www.jerryskate.com/details.asp?product=86654)

the old gurl
11-13-2004, 02:48 PM
Pretty dress -- that's something like what I would wear -- no sleeveless dresses for this chickie although some of the other dance dresses in the Jerry's catalogue are very pretty!

I bought a black, long-sleeved body suit and a dance-length black chiffon wrap skirt for my first tests last year and I think it's just going to have to do for a bit yet. I have a great skate supplier -- I just give her the catalogue numbers and she orders the stuff in for me. Gotta like that!

Mrs Redboots
11-14-2004, 06:41 AM
I shouldn't complain too much -- I've been skating in lessons just over a year, I'm in my forties and I KNOW how much progress I've made, but still....

Partnering on the Fiesta next week -- yay!Goodness, if you're working on the Fiesta Tango after only a year, you must have made the most enormous progress, incredibly fast! Lots of kids take longer than that to get to the Fiesta, and after over nine years' skating (I, too, started in my 40s), I still can't really do that dance properly.

Anyway, my husband only got home at 3.00 am and was still fast asleep when I crept out of the house to go to the ice rink, so I had my solo lesson today and we are having our couples lesson on Wednesday.

Rockets: My coach paid me the most enormous compliment today, saying "I know I grumble and moan at you, but I'm not giving you any quarter just because of your age. I'm treating you just like the kids. Now I'm sure you can get more turn-out than that, and I want to see it!" 8-) And I did - my poor quads (do I mean quads? The muscles in the front of one's thighs!).

He also made one of his "magic corrections", which he doesn't do often but they are magic when he does. I was working on my waltz 3s and he stopped me and asked whether I was aware that my shoulders were all over the place on the back edge. Well, my shoulders usually are all over the place on back edges, so it didn't surprise me. And he told me to do it again, and this time, focus on keeping my free arm over my free foot - and, guess what, it worked! In fact, worked so well that I had problems releasing the check when doing the exercise clockwise!

Back edges (apart from the lack of turnout mentioned above) went well, especially back inside edges - coach reminded me not to bend my arms, but to keep them straight, which would move the shoulders where they needed to be. BO edges a bit flat still, but improved.

Damp squibs: We started with the Foxtrot Mohawk, as the pupil just before me, who is about the same level as me, or marginally better, was working on them round the hockey goal. I can do them all right if he holds my hands and steadies me, but they are rather cheated when I do them alone. Partly because my free leg flies off in the wrong direction, and I have a feeling it's a strength issue, as when I was working my back cross-cuts, I was having trouble actually bringing my free leg in front. Need to work on my off-ice strengthening more. :(

When I worked on forwards chassés, I was told that my free leg was going out to the side too much - which, indeed, it was. So I focussed on correcting that. Back chassés were okay, but not getting enough extension on the first push.....

I had just got my boots off when my husband appeared - he had come awake and decided to skate for the final 15 minutes of the session. So I put my boots on again, and we did some speedwork together, both focussing on keeping our free legs behind us, given the correction above, and then walked through our Interpretive Pairs routine. We are hoping to get it going to the music this week - we'd have need to, since the competition is on 10 December! It's not like we haven't done it before - we did it at the Bracknell Adult Open - but we've changed things around and added some of the things we learnt when doing our Free Dance.

11-14-2004, 07:15 AM
Preface: I haven't skated since July or August, with all of the family members being ill. But, my twins had a skating party yesterday at the rink I usually teach at, so I went along just to get some exercise and get rid of some stress.

Rockets: My footwork was actually decent and I didn't really fall. (I did sit down in a sit spin, but that was really laziness.) My kids were AWESOME!! The 14-year old impressed all of her sisters' friends. The twins were like rockets themselves, zooming around with little hops and spins and turns! Nothing complicated, but they really enjoyed themselves and skated beautifully.

Damp Squibs: The ice was terrible -- the ice near the wall was at least an inch lower than the rest of the surface. I kept losing my balance for no apparent reason. Well, it could also be the evil misadjusted blades. My jumps were awful and my spins were so-so. Not good. Need to go back to lessons.


PS-I'm guessing that a "Squib" is a rocket that didn't work right, is that correct? We call them "Duds" here in NYC. It's also a Harry Potter word, meaning a magic-born person who can't do magic. Very appropriate on JK Rowling's behalf.

Mrs Redboots
11-14-2004, 08:55 AM
PS-I'm guessing that a "Squib" is a rocket that didn't work right, is that correct? We call them "Duds" here in NYC. It's also a Harry Potter word, meaning a magic-born person who can't do magic. Very appropriate on JK Rowling's behalf.Well, a squib is a type of firework here, and a "damp squib" is a term for something that falls rather flat, as in the fact that a damp squib would not go off.

the old gurl
11-14-2004, 08:58 AM
Goodness, if you're working on the Fiesta Tango after only a year, you must have made the most enormous progress, incredibly fast! Lots of kids take longer than that to get to the Fiesta, and after over nine years' skating (I, too, started in my 40s), I still can't really do that dance properly.Thanks -- I suppose it helps that I did learn to 'skate' at a kid, like almost all Canadian kids. I'm nowhere near test-ready, but I figured if the partner's available, then I might as well take advantage of it. My goal is to test the Fiesta, Swing and Willow by the end of March. Realistically, unless there are quantum leaps made on my 3-turns, the Willow will have to wait. I'd also like to test the Prelim Skills by the end of the year, but I think that one may be a long-shot too. I guess only time will tell!

Must be neat to skate with your husband like that...:D

11-14-2004, 10:49 AM
Back chassés were okay, but not getting enough extension on the first push.....

That's my problem too. First the coach cringed at my mohawk, then it was the step forwards at the end of the backwards section, now the cringing is all about extension on the chasses. So, Saturday morning practice was all about backwards chassees on a circle, PUSH, lift, PUSH, now if I can remember that along with everythinge else, I'll do OK. When I tested Canasta tango, I got marked down for chasse extension so I know that it's not one of my better moves, so no surprise that it was the hot issue in my last lesson.

My goal is to test the Fiesta, Swing and Willow by the end of March.

Me too. It's not going to be the RFO 3 in the Willow, it will be holding that mohawk for 3 beats after the turn.

11-14-2004, 11:51 AM
I was rather unmotivated to skate, but wanted to try the Evil Exercise DBNY posted to the Usenet Group (you do 3 back cross-rolls and hold the 3rd for a whole circle). This proved impossible, and I couldn't even do it forwards.... actually, I quite nearly could do it forwards, but backwards I managed a tidy semi-circle, then ground to a halt. But very good for my cross-rolls, though!

That does sound evil! But thanks (Mrs Redboots for posting, dbny for the exercise)--I'll have to try it. I'm working on trying to improve my cross rolls--trying to get more push and flow on the backwards ones and, in the forwards ones, trying to bring my free leg around without bending it in the most unattractive way as it leaves the ice.

Learned the falling leaf jump on Saturday (I learned it as part of the waltz-falling leaf-toe loop combo/sequence from USFSA FS5). It feels really fun to do--now I have to figure out how to get more height instead of just scooting low to the ice.

Had *one* camel spin where I finally felt the hook. The rest were, as usual, too much on the BI edge, with too much of my weight inside the circle.

Was fooling around with BO3s and found I could do FI double threes and BO double threes (though weak and with small lobes). I think I'll have to ask to work on these in lesson so I don't teach myself bad habits!

Damp squibs--
Still working on getting my loop fully rotated.
Worked on BI3s. On the right, I'm having trouble after the turn--I usually lose a lot of momentum. On the left, I'm having trouble actually turning. My upper body gets ready for the turn, I'm bending my knee before the turn, but instead of turning, I sort of go around in a very small BI circle, like a baby baby loop.

11-14-2004, 08:26 PM
That does sound evil! But thanks (Mrs Redboots for posting, dbny for the exercise)--I'll have to try it. I'm working on trying to improve my cross rolls--trying to get more push and flow on the backwards ones and, in the forwards ones, trying to bring my free leg around without bending it in the most unattractive way as it leaves the ice.

The push on the F cross strokes is actually pretty much pigeon toed and therefore unattractive. The trick it to extricate the pushing foot and get the toe pointed out and the leg extended as quickly as possible and in a fluid manner. A lot of knee bend to deepen the edge and give yourself more time on each stroke helps.

Mrs Redboots
11-15-2004, 06:59 AM
Add me to the roster of Willow Waltzers - not to test, but to compete at the Mountain Cup and the World Championships next year. In this country, it is 2-3 levels higher than the Fiesta and the Swing Dance, probably, we think, because the levels were set by people who trained under our old system, which included none of those dances, and who therefore find the Foxtrot and British Waltz much, much easier! Skaters disagree, but what can you do?

I do so agree about that Mohawk, it's far worse than the RFO 3, which is fine if, and only if, your partner is in the right place!!!!! Guess whose partner has a habit of suddenly not being???!!! But holding that Mohawk is just
not possible! :x
As for forward cross-rolls, I passed these some years ago, but have been made to work on them ever since ("I want them a great deal better than they were when you tested them!"). Secret is seriously deep knee-bend. You know how when you do forward runs/crossovers properly your outside-edge foot leans right over on the blade so that the side of your boot nearly touches the ice just before you lift it off? That's the feeling you should be aiming for on F cross-rolls, and which will enable you to maintain power and flow and not lose "oomph" before you cross for the next one. And when you get that feeling, your coach will tell you you need to bend your knees still more, and you'll lose the rhythm again.... been there done that....

Back crossovers, for me, are still in the making, and I've been told I must work them at the barrier until next lesson - I may do laps, but must work them at the barrier first to remind myself of the motion. They are coming, though. I have to work FO Mohawks at the barrier, too. Sigh....