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View Full Version : Ack! Ugliest costume in the world!

10-20-2004, 11:38 AM
Just wanted to vent a moment. My coach brought this god-awful, tacky looking leotard for me to use for my new program today. It's a black, 80's style spandex, long-sleeve leotard, with red and green crystals glued onto the front top, and a wacky gold lame decoration on the collar area and shoulders. Plus gold sequin trim on the cuffs and legholes. I didn't have time to try it on, but maybe it doesn't fit anyway. I couldn't just tell her, "That is so terrible-looking, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna wear that!" She said she could add a 2 layer red and green skirt. Even Evgeni Plushenko or an ice dancer wouldn't be caught dead in it. :) I've figured out how to handle it though; I'll just tell her I want her to make a Thai-style costume according to my specifications that goes along with the "oriental" music. That way she still can make some $$ on the costume and I'll get what I want, instead of wearing something wacky (again). She said she had originally started making this outfit for another of her students anyway-- guess that person didn't want it either. Anyone else have coaches trying to get them to wear atrocious things?

10-20-2004, 11:56 AM
That way she still can make some $$ on the costume and I'll get what I want, instead of wearing something wacky (again).
I wouldn't be so sure. ;) She's made you two yucky costumes already. I'm assuming she'll make it an even three. I don't think I'd give her the opportunity to make a third wacky costume. Now might be a good time to find a new costume maker!

That black, red, & green number sounds just awful! How did you control your facial muscles when she gave it to you??

10-20-2004, 11:59 AM
I'm sorry I left too early to see that! 8O

10-20-2004, 12:15 PM
Anyone else have coaches trying to get them to wear atrocious things?

Hee hee. That's one advantage of having a 27-year-old male coach... he usually sees my competition dresses for the first time AT the competition. Actually, he saw last year's dress for the first time at the THIRD event I wore it to since he didn't come to the first two comps. I don't even ask him for input on them; my moves coach is female so I ask her for color suggestions (to go with the music), but other than that I do it on my own.

NoVa Sk8r
10-20-2004, 12:18 PM
Haha. Sounds atrocious atty.

Actually, who am *I* to comment on costume wear?! Some of you have seen my pair outfit with hanging fabric AND rhinestones. 8O

(I know that skaternum truly loves it, though!)

10-20-2004, 04:24 PM

You know we would love you even if you skated in a burlap sack! ;)

About the only USEFUL thing from the new Marshall's sponsorship of skating is that clip where Michelle Kwan talks about how you have to feel good in what you wear in order to excel on the ice. You have to be comfortable with your costume...physically and mentally.

I couldn't agree more. If you're afraid of looking like an idiot, you won't be concentrating on the quality of your skating. A good coach would understand. A great coach would ask your opinion before handing you something they picked out.

I am a HUGE fan of stretch velvet because it smooths the body line...shiny spandex just doesn't look good. And don't forget the extra inch or two on the skirt... I really don't want the judges to get a peek of all the junk in my trunk!

10-20-2004, 04:39 PM
To me, one of the great things about being an adult skater is that I get to act like an adult. I would never in a million years let a coach pick out something for me to wear. I'm like looploop -- my coaches are lucky if they get to see my costume when I do a "dry run" in it before the first competition! I simply don't give anyone else the authority to pick out my clothing. I don't do it off ice; why would I do it on ice? I pay my coach for on ice instruction, not fashion advice. :) I've been at this long enough to know what looks & feels good on me. The only time I allowed a coach to hook me up with his preferred costume designer, it never even got to that stage: communication breakdown, other priorities, etc. so that there was no costume 2 weeks before leaving for a competition. Never again. The only person with a real stake in how I look on the ice is ME!

I know some skaters whose coaches are in total control of their costumes (and music and choreography and even hair). I don't let the coach have any control of it. And then there's lots of gray areas in between. Every skater has to do what's best for him/her, but I agree with climbsk8. You have to feel good in your costume, and if you're afraid of looking stupid, you're not going to skate your best. The only thing I don't agree with is the comment:
A great coach would ask your opinion before handing you something they picked out. In my book, a great coach wouldn't pick anything out.

10-20-2004, 04:42 PM
Some of you have seen my pair outfit with hanging fabric AND rhinestones. 8O (I know that skaternum truly loves it, though!)
Oh, yes. I'm thinking of doing hanging flappy fabric on all my costumes next season! Hee hee. I do like sparkly things, though, and you wear those so well. Smooches.

Dr. Phil
10-20-2004, 05:35 PM
Haha, I never let my coaches tell me what to wear! I've designed all my own dresses, and the coaches loved them!

NoVa Sk8r
10-20-2004, 05:46 PM
Oh, yes. I'm thinking of doing hanging flappy fabric on all my costumes next season! Hee hee. I do like sparkly things, though, and you wear those so well. Smooches.

It's all Loops's fault! That flap material was taken from her excised sleeves.

[Hey, she wears her heart on her sleeve, I wear her sleeve on my heart. ;)]

10-20-2004, 05:49 PM
But then you'd be emulating an ice dancer.... :roll: :roll:

Oh, yes. I'm thinking of doing hanging flappy fabric on all my costumes next season! Hee hee. I do like sparkly things, though, and you wear those so well. Smooches.

NoVa Sk8r
10-20-2004, 05:57 PM
Hee hee. That's one advantage of having a 27-year-old male coach... he usually sees my competition dresses for the first time AT the competition. Actually, he saw last year's dress for the first time at the THIRD event I wore it to since he didn't come to the first two comps. I don't even ask him for input on them.

Haha. I remember his reaction to our pairs outfits... or rather *MY* pairs outfit. He was like, "What ARE you wearing?"
Maybe that's why he's our ex-pairs coach. 8-)

10-20-2004, 10:54 PM
Why don't you get them done by someone else? She's your coach and if the stuff she makes doesn't appeal to you it's not like she is not "needed" anymore, I think she'll get over it. Although I mean there is nothing wrong with saying you don't like it and telling her what you DO like if you want her to keep making them. But you should probably pick stuff out on your own for now on, because that costume does sound...different. :P

10-21-2004, 09:19 AM
It's been a hoot reading everyone's comments- thanks! :lol: Skaternum, I managed not to laugh or shriek outloud when I saw the thing (being a plaintiff's atty, I hear lots of crazy stories and have to practice the art of self-control :) ), and InsideAxel, this happened less than a minute after you left the rink. If you hang around enough, you might see her trying to sell the leotard to someone else.

So, I called my coach, and she didn't seem pissed. She's a really good coach, despite her penchant for wacky costumes and trying to sell stuff to everyone. I'm looking for traditional Thai costume designs online and plan to hunt for fabrics on my own, and then I'll see if she can make what I want. She's done a good job altering/beading some of my other dresses, so I have hope that if I plan the costume, she can put it together.

10-21-2004, 09:24 AM
I am a HUGE fan of stretch velvet because it smooths the body line...shiny spandex just doesn't look good. And don't forget the extra inch or two on the skirt... I really don't want the judges to get a peek of all the junk in my trunk!

You? What junk in the trunk?! :) I agree about stretch velvet looking a lot better. For those of us without absolutely flat abs or a six-pack, shiny spandex is horrible!!

Mel On Ice
10-21-2004, 09:41 AM
I agree that I prefer stretch velvet to spandex. It's warmer and more forgiving of, um... flaws.

My coach lets me figure out what I want to wear. It's synchro dresses and club shows where I have a problem! For synchro, it's just like choosing a bridesmaid dress - you try to please everyone and...

And in club shows, you have to pick and choose through piles of old costumes to find something that fits or run around in a mad panic trying to find something. I was an usherette in last season's "Let's Go to the Movies" number with my "twins" practically around my neck, because I was wearing an old teen synchro dress. Not comfy!

10-21-2004, 10:45 AM
Ha! Love the comments! I've had pretty good luck with costume designers, and have also designed my own. My coach usually asks me what I'm planning, and offers his suggestions which are good.
I've also recycled costumes for other programs, although one of the pairs dresses always looked like there was something - or someone missing!
For one program I wanted a watercolor dress, but couldn't decide what colors I wanted :roll: So I learned to paint my costumes. After paint all over the place, I figured it out!