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View Full Version : question for jenlyon60 regarding time off for phys training

07-27-2002, 08:10 PM
[quote:983a5d8d97="jenlyon60"]I am very lucky that my agency lets employees have 3 hours a week for physical activity/training, and my boss lets me use that time to train my skating[/quote:983a5d8d97]

jenlyon60, I read in your post in the plateau thread that you get time off of work for physical training. (BTW, I'm soooo jealous!) could you tell us how the management at your work set that up, or did it start before you worked there? I'd love to suggest a similar program to my human resources director, but I don't know if she'd go for it. Is it done by honor system (I don't think she'd go for that), or do you have to prove that you're actually using the time off for physical activity? thanks!

07-27-2002, 10:12 PM
I PM'd mikawendy with details. But... basically

For us, it's an honor system. My boss doesn't keep track of it and trusts that I'm doing what I say I'm doing. (He's seen me bring my skates in/out of office enough during winter....) Besides he knows that if I have to work late, I will, plus often on my non-skate days I'll work a bit extra to make up for the days I leave early to go to the rink.

I would document the benefits of physical training to HR, especially the possibility of lower health insurance costs for employees involved in a regular physical training program (be it running, skating, biking, or whatever).