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Mel On Ice
06-01-2004, 03:11 PM
Is anyone going to this competition? It's in a few weeks, and I haven't gotten my competition schedule or practice ice reservation form. I know it's part of the Future Champions Series, so I was hoping there would be someone who has heard something.

Hey flying camel, so far as I know, it's me, you and Denise in Adult Bronze! Mary Sue would probably cry buckets if we all ended up on the podium. Good luck and I will see you there.

06-01-2004, 06:20 PM
Hey Mel,

When is GR again? I hope I didn't book a camping trip that weekend. I was planning to come over and watch...........and bring Flippet along. A good 'ol Michiganders on Ice reunion!!!!!!

06-01-2004, 08:36 PM
Hey flying camel, so far as I know, it's me, you and Denise in Adult Bronze! Mary Sue would probably cry buckets if we all ended up on the podium. Good luck and I will see you there.

I hope all 3 of us DO end up on the podium! :)

I think we should all go out for a drinky-poo after the competition (and the test session, since I'll be testing Pre-Bronze then!)!!

Mel On Ice
06-02-2004, 11:27 AM
FC - good luck on your test, I just passed bronze MIF, so I know a celebration is in order! Denise called me this morning, the forms are out, and we are competing at 2:30 on Saturday. I'm also doing compulsories, which is at 9:30 on Friday.

Leslie - the competition is from 6/17 to 6/19. I wouldn't expect you to come up for compulsories (who cares) but would love to see you before/during/after bronze. There's also a silver comp you may want to watch, I know I do.

06-02-2004, 12:02 PM
Ack! I knew there was something that weekend. :( My friends in IL just bought a new house, and invited us to spend the weekend (yes, that weekend)--we haven't been back since we moved. Plus, it's the Highland Games (Scottish silliness, but fun!) in Oakbrook IL as well.

Hm... maybe I can come up Friday morning or something. (That 9:30 start--am, or pm???) DH probably has to work, but I imagine I can take off, and bring the kidlet. (Makes for a long day in the car seat though....I'll think about it.)

Bummer. :( I was hoping to make it, too.

06-02-2004, 01:32 PM

I think that weekend should be good for me. :)


Bummer!!! :cry:

Maybe we'll all be able to get together next time Mel is in this neck of the woods.

Mel On Ice
06-02-2004, 02:57 PM
flippet, when it comes to lifting and throwing those telephone poles, LIFT WITH YOUR LEGS 8O :lol: I'd love it if you came up on Friday, but I don't want you running all over the greater MI and IL area to see me skate a compulsory. I will be in MI some more this summer, and if we decide to meet in the fall, maybe we can all get out on the ice then. I do want to see the kidlet soon!

Leslie - YAY! Celebrating flying~camel's test triumph is a must. Did you know I can actually eat before a competition now? I even managed an egg before testing.

Mel On Ice
06-02-2004, 03:10 PM
oh, and I'm a tool. I've been planning this competition around the weekend of the 19th, when in reality it's the weekend of the 26th. I'm a complete moron... :oops:

06-02-2004, 05:36 PM
Leslie - YAY! Celebrating flying~camel's test triumph is a must. Did you know I can actually eat before a competition now? I even managed an egg before testing.

I'm ALWAYS game to celebrate!!!!!! :-)

I still can't eat before a competition................but I sure can do a good job of it afterwards!!!!!

The weekend of the 26th is even better. I couldn't get camping reservations for that weekend, so I'm sure we are free.

06-03-2004, 09:38 AM
It's the 26th? Yay! If so, then I'm pretty sure we can come up on Saturday. Yay! :D :D

06-03-2004, 02:59 PM
It's the 26th? Yay! If so, then I'm pretty sure we can come up on Saturday. Yay! :D :D

Yay!!!! :D :D :D

06-17-2004, 07:01 PM
How's it looking for you Flippet?

06-27-2004, 08:59 AM
I can't believe the competition is all over already!

My first competition as a full-fleged adult skater was great! All of the ladies in the Bronze FS (+ Michigansk8er!) are great skaters and great people, and we had an awesome time!

Congrats to Mel on Ice for skating a great program (and I am jealous of your backspin!) :D

I skated the best skate of my program in competition EVER (even landed the evil lutz!) and ended up in 3rd :) I also passed my Pre-Bronze moves and FS tests about 1-1/2 hrs after competing. :D

Mrs Redboots
06-27-2004, 02:51 PM
Well done, Flying~camel and Mel on Ice!

06-27-2004, 03:49 PM
Good for you, FC! I'm sorry we couldn't make it up...but a fussy toddler + four carseat hours doesn't usually bode for a good time. :( Maybe next time.

Debbie S
06-27-2004, 04:58 PM
I skated the best skate of my program in competition EVER (even landed the evil lutz!) and ended up in 3rd :) I also passed my Pre-Bronze moves and FS tests about 1-1/2 hrs after competing. :D

Congratulations on your medal and tests! I recently passed those tests - it's a relief to be done with those alt 3's, isn't it? :D

I'd be curious to know more about the skating in the Bronze comp, like what was landed, what spins were done, etc. I'm competing Bronze at Skate Wilmington at the end of July.

Mel On Ice
06-27-2004, 06:17 PM
flying~camel is one cool chick :D Congrats on your bronze, and I'm so glad we had the time to hang out together on Friday and Saturday -- it means so much more to me to compete against friends. Did you completely die when you got home? I had to drive to Newaygo to stay with the inlaws, and was trying not to fall asleep in mid-conversation. Denise made copies of our event, so if you want a copy, let her know.

As for the competition, I was pleased with the way I skated, but got competition hangover almost immediately, and was supremely disappointed to come in 5th. I think the biggest problem for me at the GRO is the fact it's sort of a homecoming for me, going back to my old club. I had a desire to do so well in front of old friends, and seem to get extra nervous being there. I was skating fast, skating well in practices up to Saturday, then I stiffened up on the warmup and flaked on my loop jump and toe-toe combination at the end.

Oh well! Like I said, it is times like these when it helps so much to skate against friends. And what was awesome is how well all 5 of us skated -- no ice dusted any butts, and fc's on-ice celebration of her lutz landing was worth watching!

Mel On Ice
06-27-2004, 06:20 PM
And special thanks to MichiganSkater for coming to cheer us on. I hope to see you competing at this event next year, and we will have to get another bottle of bubbly and do our toast again:

"Here's to the skaters,
both old and young,
If you fell on your a**,
At least you had fun!"

06-27-2004, 06:42 PM
It was fun watching everyone compete....and meeting FC.......our newest "Michigander's on Ice" member. Great jobs!!!!!!!! :D Maybe we can get them to add adult interp next year if enough of us promise to do it ......since that may end up being my only option.

I can't wait for Ledin to post the photos.

I'll bring the bubbly next year, and we will get Flippet to join us!!!!!!

06-27-2004, 06:50 PM
I am so glad you guys had a great comp, and so bummed I couldn't come. I was in Pennsylvania this weekend for my husband's family reunion. So, are there any comps this fall we could do?

06-27-2004, 08:15 PM
Isn't Plymouth usually in the fall?

06-27-2004, 09:09 PM
Did you completely die when you got home? I had to drive to Newaygo to stay with the inlaws, and was trying not to fall asleep in mid-conversation. Denise made copies of our event, so if you want a copy, let her know.

I somehow managed to stay awake until midnight (I think the 5 caffeinated sodas I had at Applebee's contributed to my staying awake!), though my legs felt like they were going to fall off!

Oh well! Like I said, it is times like these when it helps so much to skate against friends. And what was awesome is how well all 5 of us skated -- no ice dusted any butts, and fc's on-ice celebration of her lutz landing was worth watching!

I think I will definately have to watch the video of myself if only to laugh at my lutz celebration ;)

Isn't Plymouth usually in the fall?

If Plymouth IS in the fall, maybe I can convince Denise and Meredith to do that one with me! :D

06-27-2004, 09:22 PM
Boy, you can tell being out of town this weekend has addled my brain :roll: . Yes, Plymouth is in October. Gee, it's only my club's competition..... :oops:

So - that would be great if you all could come. Last year we had a pretty good adult turn out. I'd love to meet those of you I haven't met, and to see those of you that are already skating buddies once again!

Mel On Ice
06-28-2004, 08:00 AM
Denise trys to talk me into coming up for the Port Huron and Wyandotte comps, but those are hard because they are in the middle of synchro season. I need the USFSA practice, so maybe a cheap Southwest flight will be my ticket to those events. Maybe when I can land a loop while terrified... As for the fall, I think I will be competing at the Gateway Invitational.

FC, my drive to Newaygo was punctuated by a stop or two thanks to my 4 glasses of iced tea. Didn't realized how dehydrated skating makes you...

06-28-2004, 06:22 PM
Wyandotte is the best!!!!! It's my goal to be back on the ice by then. There is going to be a Wyandotte 2005 isn't there W.W. West?

I didn't even skate and chugged several glasses of iced tea. Hmmmm, what was my excuse? Just a lush, I guess. :lol: