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View Full Version : Adult Bronze Figures

04-19-2004, 04:00 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew what the "grandfathering" rules were for the adult figure track? I seem to remember that if you had passed your 1st (or maybe 2nd) figure test before 1977, then you would automatically go to the Silver figure test -- but I couldn't find this anywhere in the current USFS rulebook.

Is it on the website somehwere?

How can I find out?

I'm asking because today I made a commitment to my coach that I would test some figures, but I'm not sure I'm eligible for the Bronze test because I passed the 1st figure a LONG time ago --

Anyway, any comments or suggestions would be helpful.


04-22-2004, 08:24 PM
I belleve the USFS quit grandfathering except the cross back to standard track. I'd contact either your adult sectional chair or Maggie Harding

04-22-2004, 11:23 PM
Thanks -- I will do that.