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View Full Version : 3 Positives and 1 area to improve your skating

04-14-2004, 07:41 PM
What are three aspects of your skating that you like and 1 aspect you want to improve upon?

1. Good lines
2. Good posture/flexibility
3. Pretty good balance

Areas for improvement: Believe me MANY more than just one area needs improvement :oops:

1. speed!!! I'm a snail out there

04-14-2004, 09:12 PM
The three things I like about my skating are:

1) I spin very well.
2) I have a lot of speed and power.
3) If I actually practice, I can still do many of my best moves.

My biggest weakness is my footwork and turns. I need to take my time and really practice.

04-14-2004, 10:30 PM
Three positive things about my skating:

1. jumps I've started working on double loops and flips!
2. work hard
3. flexibility

Something I need to work on:

1. everything!


04-15-2004, 09:01 AM
Nice thread :)

Three things about my skating that I like:
* My spirals - I've been working on them more recently (practicing all 8 of them, 8 edges), and I've noticed quite a bit of improvement. I can do a nice spiral with my leg above hip height and extended on LFO, RFO, LBO, RBO, LBI. I'm also working to improve LFI, RFI and RBI, but they're getting there. Eventually I want to be able to do a good change-edge spiral too. I can also do a catchfoot one.
* I think I have quite good flow.
* Footwork - probably my favourite element out of footwork, jumps and spins. There's still lots of room for improvement, but I love doing it and I've always seemed to pick it up quite quickly.

One thing I really want to improve:
* Spins. I've never been a strong spinner, though I'd love to be. I practice it a lot though, and am making slooow progress, but I'm still relatively spin-challenged.

04-15-2004, 04:40 PM
The good:
1. Stroking. I actually get compliments on it, and while stroking is The Most Basic Skating Skill Ever, I will take praise wherever I can get it.
2. Posture. Ah, ballet, you saved me from being the swaybacked, gangly mess I would otherwise be.
3. Spiral. I can only do them on a flat so far but with good turnout and above hip-height.

The bad and/or ugly:
I'll second gardana and say speed! Fear holds me back a lot and I've started to discover that doing things slowly can actually make them harder. :??

04-15-2004, 04:48 PM
Three positive things (not easy to figure out)

Strong edges, or so my coach says
Understand new moves right away (just can't do them right away :evil: )
Clean stroking

Needs work:
Why only one thing? I could name a dozen right off the bat.

OK, in a tie for first, we have controlled three turns and spins.

Mrs Redboots
04-16-2004, 05:27 AM
An ability to be amusing on the ice
Forward cross-rolls
Forward inside swing rolls (solo) and outside ones (partnered)
Needs work:

Backwards skating at all levels, from plain vanilla stroking up to and including backwards turns.

And most other things, too, but let's not go there!

Terri C
04-16-2004, 07:44 AM
The three things I do best:
1. Presentation
2. Power
3. Good height on basic jumps (toe loop, salchow)

The one thing I need to work on:
MY BACK CROSSOVERS!! I don't want to think about the speed I'l have when they get cleaned up with no toe pick involved. Maybe the Bronze MIF will help on this one!!

04-16-2004, 09:17 AM
3 Positives:

1) Edges. Have always had a strong awareness of edges and their value in both basic skating moves and more advanced ones.

2) Spinning ability. I am a very natural spinner and can get 20+ revs on a fast upright scratch spin when everything feels just right. I also picked up on camel and layback spins very easily.

3) Power. I skate fast through my MITF patterns (in practice... :roll: ...won't talk about testing).


Getting over fear of falling out of jumps. I have good technique, so more advanced jumps should be easier for me, but fear holds me back, even though I'm rather young.

04-16-2004, 09:57 AM
Three Positives
1. I'm quite strong technically
2. I have good speed
3. I don't let nasty falls put me off

To be Improved
I need to work at my posture and style.


04-17-2004, 06:26 AM
1. Flexible
2. Good height on simple jumps
3. Sit spin

Areas for improvement:

1. edges edges edges edges edges.....

04-20-2004, 09:28 PM
Now that AN is over and I can use my brain again, I can post a coherant thought :lol: (great thread idea!)

3 positives:

1. Power/speed
2. Footwork (love it)
3. Jumps - I love to do them and don't fear falling. I do, however, have one problem with them and that leads me to.....

1 negative:

My brain. I think too much, analyze too much, and sometimes pressure myself right out of jumps and/or good competitive performances. I need to shut my brain up and just feel the elements. When I do, my skating feels wonderful :D .

04-21-2004, 01:06 AM
Well, this year it would have to be this:


Overall skating has noticably improved this year thanks to working on Bronze moves!
Have a decent scratch spin and sit spins on a good day!!!
(Usually) am very VERY diligent about my practice (and that helps me to get steady improvements over time.)

Oh, man!!! EVERYTHING!!!! My skating is better, but it STILL SUCKS!!! :evil: