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View Full Version : ISI Delta - Shoot the ducks and lunges on one leg or both? Plus Stretching...

04-12-2004, 08:57 AM
I just passed Gamma and am starting Delta (:)) I forgot to ask if skaters are required to do shoot the ducks and lunges on one leg or both. Does anyone know?

Also, now I am getting to the point where I need to be more flexible. What are some good exercises for improving flexibility?


04-12-2004, 09:15 AM
It will probably depend on your teacher--some are more sticklers than others. I don't worry if someone can do a shoot the duck on both sides (a useless move for everyone except M. Weiss!), but I do care that they can do a lunge on both sides. And yes, I know that some of you will say a shoot the duck is prep for a sit spin but IMHO it's different because of the centrifical force involved.

You can do lunges on the floor to stretch those muscles. Any type of leg stretches, like ballet barre stretches, will be good.

04-12-2004, 12:21 PM
For the test, one leg only for both elements.

I do agree that you should practice lunges with both legs.

04-13-2004, 04:40 PM
When I competed in Delta (back in 1992-1993), I had to do either a lunge of shoot-the-duck, but only one 1 leg.

04-15-2004, 10:06 AM
You can buy or borrow a copy of the "ISI Skaters and Coaches Handbook" to check the rules for any ISI skating test. This book describes every maneuver in detail.

For Delta, you will choose either the shoot-the-duck OR the lunge. You don't have to do both. (In a competition, the second maneuver will be ignored.) You will be asked to demonstrate it on your choice of side, but you really should learn to do these maneuvers on both sides just to make you a well-rounded skater.

As with all ISI tests, you can have up to three attempts and the best one will be judged.

04-18-2004, 11:58 PM
Thanks everyone! Where can I buy an ISI handbook?

04-19-2004, 01:37 AM
You'll have to be an individual or associate member to purchase manuals. This link is from the ISI official website.
