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View Full Version : Open-Juvenile

04-03-2004, 05:45 PM
What elements does a skater at the Open-Juvenile level need in order to be competitive at competitions such as the Non-Qualifying Regional Championships and bigger club events like the Broadmoor Open, Liberty, etc?? Also, aside from the age difference, how does Open-Juv differ from "regular" Juvenile level? Thanks!!

04-04-2004, 09:56 AM
I think that the element rules (no triple jumps) are the same for both juv and open juv. However, I'm not sure of what type of jumps you need to actually win a competition. It also depends on what region you're in, and the level of the other open juv performers.
Some kids compete in open juv for a year to to improve their skills before going into intermediate. And there are cases where kids compete in open juv one year and the very next go to nationals in intermediate.

Good luck

04-05-2004, 07:17 PM
At our Regionals the Open-Juveniles did up to double lutz. It can really depend on the group and the skaters. But I know that some may only have axel and one or two doubles. I hope this helps.