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View Full Version : What "clubs" are you a member of?

Aussie Willy
02-04-2004, 02:14 AM
Okay to quote Manleywoman on the skate guard club thread"

"I'm also a member of the Adult Concussion Club, the Broken Finger Due to Sliding Into Boards Club, and the ever popular Falling For No Reason While Standing Still At the Boards Talking to Coach Club."

So what other clubs could we add here. I nominate:

- The Toepick club (in honour of the movie "The Cutting Edge")
- The "I have a couple of falls from competition captured on video" club
- The "My knees are really wrecked" club
- The "I got stitches because of skating" club
- The "I crashed into a 7 year old during a competition and came off worse" club

Please add any clubs you belong to here.

02-04-2004, 04:34 AM
The "Belly flop" club

Caught my toe pick and flew forwards but avoided banging the knees and head. Belly/chest bought the impact.

I'm already a member of the "wrecked knees" club

02-04-2004, 07:52 AM
Here's one...

"I can walk on ice in a rink but not on ice in the parking lot"

02-04-2004, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by jenlyon60
Here's one...

".....not on ice in the parking lot"

You have to bend your knees. :lol:

The "I broke a bone while skating" club.

Mrs Redboots
02-04-2004, 08:51 AM
How about the "skates with shoulders in your ears" club?

Mel On Ice
02-04-2004, 09:54 AM
Starfish Club - a.k.a. Snow Angel, where you fall and land in full extension, on your back

Toepick Club - who isn't?

Short-Term Memory Club - A move that had previously been easy, has now been easily forgotten (where'd my mazurka go?!)

Janet Jackson Club - clothes ripped away for one reason or another (eh gary...!? one particular synchro practice? :oops: )

Where's the Justice Club - working away at something forever and still not getting it, but getting some other move right away. Ex: I have been working on loops and flips for way too long, mentioned to the coach I'd like to learn some in between stuff, like Ina Bauers and spread eagles. I get the spread eagle in 10 minutes. Still no loop or flip.

Concussion Club - caught my toepick on my leggings in a toe loop and hit my head, felt really cold, then suddenly really hot. Big headache followed, along with nausea. I still hesitate a little on toe loops.

Delusions of Grandeur Club - when I feel like I skated like Michelle Kwan, then we roll the videotape...

02-04-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Mel On Ice
Janet Jackson Club - clothes ripped away for one reason or another (eh gary...!? one particular synchro practice? :oops: )

And I was looking the other way, darn it!!! :lol:

FYI - I was working out with the synchro team and Mel was next to me. During one particular move, we were trying to pull the line. I lost grip on her shoulder, but not on her outfit. 8O :lol:

02-04-2004, 01:47 PM
Yeah, sure, Gary! That's your story and you're sticking to it, right???;)

02-04-2004, 02:00 PM
I'm a member of:

1. Stitches in Chin Club (14)
2. Headbanger Club (with nice lump as proof)
3. Click of Death Club (back crossovers/click/slide into boards...oops!!!)
4. Belly Flop Club (flying camel gone wrong)
5. Broken Wrist Club (coach: "it's impossible to fall over backwards doing a layback", me: "believing her")
6. Knees are Really Wrecked Club (darn brackets anyhow)
7. Back Surgery Club (how I ended up here from an innocent sit spin I'll never know) :roll:
8. Klutz Club (all other uncoordinated mishaps) :lol:

02-04-2004, 02:11 PM
Dropped from overhead lift.
Partner and I with matching scars on chins.

02-04-2004, 04:19 PM
Lifetime card-carrying member of the backspin support group

02-04-2004, 04:36 PM
"Bladed myself not once, but twice" club.

02-04-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by 1lutz2klutz
Yeah, sure, Gary! That's your story and you're sticking to it, right???;)

Yup!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Debbie S
02-04-2004, 06:12 PM
Falling Forward on Your Left Knee While Doing CCW Backward Crossovers Club

Falling and Hitting Your Face (just below the left eye) Club

Going the Wrong Way in Your Program During Your First Competition Club

Of course, the Belly Flop Club :)

Keeping Your Blade Guards on Too Long (at previously mentioned first competition) and Causing Your Blades to Rust Club :roll:

I'm sure there are more that I just can't think of now. ;)

Terri C
02-04-2004, 06:42 PM
Hey Debbie,
Did you know that you are now a member of the " I Skated Up a Level and Medaled" Club???
Soon, you will be a proud memeber of the "Alternating Threes Survival Society"

02-04-2004, 06:48 PM
the "falling from an overhead lift and hitting nothing but your head" club

02-04-2004, 07:45 PM
"stiches in chin club"(7)
"going wrong way in program at competition club"(it wasnt my 1st comp tho)
"failing a test club" (novice moves...but i finally passed them on my 2nd try)
"falling on my knees and gettin huge bruises club" (spirals can be brutal)
"not taking my coaches advice club"(it took me twice as long to get my sit spin b/c of it)
"landing a multi revolution jump" (doubles and my axel)
and i'm sure there r more but i cant remember right now

02-04-2004, 08:04 PM
The "Travel to China on a Layback" club
The "Toe Scratch Before Doing an Axel"
The "Stuck on the Same MIF For Over a Year"

Debbie S
02-04-2004, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Terri C
Hey Debbie,
Did you know that you are now a member of the " I Skated Up a Level and Medaled" Club???
Soon, you will be a proud memeber of the "Alternating Threes Survival Society"

Thanks, Terri! Although at the rate my alternating 3s are progressing/regressing, I may be joining alexeiluvr's Same MIF For Over a Year Club.:(

02-04-2004, 11:46 PM
If we are making up any kind of clubs...here's one..The Internet Chat Family club.

Aussie Willy
02-05-2004, 04:53 AM
Thanks for all your clubs. I have another one to add.

The "My zipper on the back of my dress started to come undone during a competition" club - does this qualify in kind of way for the Janet Jackson club (without the ripping part but the clothes coming off part)?

02-05-2004, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by garyc254
And I was looking the other way, darn it!!! :lol:

FYI - I was working out with the synchro team and Mel was next to me. During one particular move, we were trying to pull the line. I lost grip on her shoulder, but not on her outfit. 8O :lol:

Gary--aren't you also a member of the "hog-tied by own zipper" club? :D

02-05-2004, 09:15 AM
- Stitches on the chin club (5)
- Concussion club
- Forgot my dance on test day club (uh... what's a double knee bend?)
- Skaters who batter their partner on the romantica annonymous (we were doing the helicopter and my free arm slipped and knoched his chin)
- Society for skaters who fall off the boards while stretching (it was too early in the morning...)
- Dislocated shoulder first time trying precision support group

02-05-2004, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by mikawendy
Gary--aren't you also a member of the "hog-tied by own zipper" club? :D

You remembered!!! :lol: :lol:

Broken Wrist Club
Headbangers Club

02-05-2004, 10:50 AM
Lol! Love this thread. :)

I'm a member of (and I really actually don't fall very often):

the "Toepick during a forward spiral and slid across the ice" club

the "I fell while doing the dutch waltz, in front of LOTS of people" club

the "I fell on the first jump I ever demonstrated to a friend" club

the "I fell on both knees at the same time, and had bruises for weeks" club

the "I landed on my own foot while attempting a loop" club (I might be the only member of that one, lol. Hey, at least I had my feet crossed though...)

the "I was going too fast on backward crossovers in a group lesson and slammed full-bodied backwards into the boards" club :lol:

the "I made my coach laugh uncontrollably due to my klutziness" club

the "I somehow jabbed myself in the leg with my blade while falling on a lunge" club :oops:

tee hee! :)

02-05-2004, 12:14 PM
Well, I'm not a member of any of the previously mentioned Falling Down clubs -- because I'm the president of the Too Chicken to Try Anything Club.

Also a member of the Tripped by Another Synchro Skater Club. Once with fall, once with "chopping broccoli feet" save.

I'm a member of the Sasha Split Spiral Off-Ice-ONLY Club. On ice... nope.

I'm a lifetime member of the Cheated 3-Turn Club. Do they really HAVE to be entirely on one foot?

02-05-2004, 12:17 PM
chopping broccoli :::snicker:::

I'm a member of the caught on video while trying to demonstrate club which was having a meeting the same time as the toepick club, giving me membership in both.

02-05-2004, 04:05 PM
Stepping on to the ice with guards on...flat on my a** for competition warm up Club- yes there was a decent sized crowd to witness that.

Toe pick, belly flop, slide into the boards Club.

Clink of death (at Adult Nationals during competition) sprain my ankle, get carried off the ice (major drama!) get back on 2 minutes later to finish and win the event Club. :roll:

Skate backwards into the boards during compeition Club. Duh! :oops:

As you can see my "greatest" moments in skating seem to happen at compeition.

02-05-2004, 04:21 PM
I'm used to be a member of the Dunk Your Skirt in the Toilet Because You're Not Used to Wearing a Skating Dress.

Now, on what special occasion might one wear a skating dress? That's correct -- a competition or a test. :oops: I did this twice before I started wearing dresses for everyday practice.

Terri C
02-05-2004, 04:45 PM
Hey Skaternum,
Didn't you start the "Yes, you can win a Silver Ladies Event without a axel club" last weekend in DC??? ;)

02-05-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Terri C
Hey Skaternum,
Didn't you start the "Yes, you can win a Silver Ladies Event without a axel club" last weekend in DC??? ;)

Why, yes I did. I'm their poster girl. So I'm a member of 2 clubs now!

02-05-2004, 06:13 PM
The "more than a year to get your axel" club!

02-05-2004, 06:21 PM
Member of the:

"I Really Miss Competitive Skating Club" (I'm away at college)
"Wrecked Knees Club" (I hear that it's not brackets that wreck the knees, but ina bouers, ask a ballerina).
"Need a New Interpretive Program Club"
"Put in a Dance Test Without Learning the Dance First Club"
"Failed Every Dance Considered a Foxtrot At Least Once Club"
"Wish I Was an Olympic Champion Club"
"Made Up a Pairs Program WHILE Competiting Club"


02-05-2004, 07:02 PM
The "Got At Least 1 Retry on the European Waltz" Club

Yep. Forgot all about that one. How could I? Especially if I counted up all the lesson time, ice time, and test costs for that darn dance. Easily a several-thousand-dollar dance.

02-05-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by icenut84
the "I landed on my own foot while attempting a loop" club (I might be the only member of that one, lol. Hey, at least I had my feet crossed though...)

Hey - I landed my first real flip that way!! I was doing that safety tap at the end. Then once, I tapped the top of my landing foot! It actually helped me out!

Card carrying member of the:
Fractured a rib while belly flopping club
Headbanging trying an inner back 3 club - my second week skating ;-)
Former roller skating club
No longer needs balloons in the front club ;-)

02-05-2004, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by dani
No longer needs balloons in the front club ;-)


02-05-2004, 09:14 PM
I'm a lifetime member of the "click of death" club. Earned it on the Intermediate MIF power circles (and sadistic coach gleefully reminded me, after passing the Intermediate test, that I get them again at Junior :roll: ).

I'm also a member of:

The "slam into the boards" club (power circles, once again);
the "forget part of your program in competition" club;
the "pitch sideways off of your blade doing footwork" club;
and last, but not least, the "fall over for no real reason" club.

Isn't skating fun?

Sk8er1964 - lifetime member of the "I am so addicted to the best sport in the world" club :D :D

02-05-2004, 10:13 PM
IHNTC - I Have No Turnout Club

CSBS - Can't Stop Backwards Society

BFTRSAACAHNSAFOSDRA - Broke Front Tooth Recreationally Skating as a Child and Have Now Spent a Fortune On Successive Dental Restorations Association

AOSSSOC - Adult Onset Skating Syndrome Sufferers of Canada

I recently joined LSOTIWOGO: Let's Step On the Ice With Our Guards On.

02-06-2004, 10:16 AM
umm i am the member of the
1) Spiral and fall flat on your stomach club
2) Ankle twisting club
3) The fall in the middle of a layback/y-spin etc because of trying to bend/stretch too much club
4) Fall while just standing on the ice club

02-06-2004, 11:30 AM
Ooh, also joining the "Falling on the Dutch Waltz" club!

miss cleo
02-06-2004, 11:40 AM
I am a member of the "Post Olympic Athlete Club." I go to the Olympic ice venues to "skate my program" long after the Games have taken place there. Maybe that's why I always miss the awards ceremony!

02-06-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by icenut84
the "I landed on my own foot while attempting a loop" club (I might be the only member of that one, lol. Hey, at least I had my feet crossed though...)

How about the, "I landed on my own foot while attempting a loop and cut a hole in my boot, through the skin, and partway through the tendon" club

And the "I fell demonstrating a back outside three-turn while teaching group lessons" club

Can't forget the "It took me WAY more than a year to finally land and axel" club

The "I fell on the optional intro steps during my intermediate MIF test" club

02-07-2004, 04:17 AM
My clubs... Besides the "I have stepped on the ice with my skate guards on" club....
"Coach's favorite punching bag" club. (Coaches LOVE to pick on me since I do just about EVERYTHING that skaters AREN'T supposed to do technique-wise. It drives the coaches NUTS!!!)
"Slowest progress on Bronze moves" club (but, by golly... I WILL test either in April or May.) :D
Also a member of the "Too Chicken to Try Anything" club, though I'm getting out of that club only b/c my secondary coach showed me just how scary it is to be in this club compared to the "You pissed coach off b/c you won't try anything" club. :lol:
Also a member of the "I have no turnout" club too, though again, said secondary coach proved me wrong by promptly putting me again the hockey box and holding my spreadeagle position against the wall. (Fellow skater said "You have no turnout??? HA!!!") :P
The "I want to protest the USFSA's rules for skating dresses for women" club. If men could wear pants, why can't we? :P
The "women in black figure skates" club
The "Clockwise Skater" club
"Backspins Anonymous" club.
"Frequent Mileage on Scratch Spin" card carrier

02-16-2004, 02:48 PM
I am now a member of the "I fell doing the 3 turn BEFORE the salchow club. Ouch! I landed on my back and I can tell my neck is going to be sore tomorrow as I hurt now! :-(

Oh well, I am sure I will be back on the ice tomorrow ;-) On a more practical note - Gary should I take a jaccuzzi bath or not? I don't have a real specific place to ice, but the base of my neck hurts a little like whiplash.


Debbie S
02-16-2004, 04:38 PM
Ouch, Dani! I hope you feel better soon. I fell doing a LFI 3 turn last week - I was doing the lobe pattern on the pre-Bronze moves test.

I am now a member of the Fell on Back Crossovers in Front of a Judge During a Moves Critique Club. See my post in the Question for Wash Club members thread. I guess/hope the judge has seen worse.

02-16-2004, 06:50 PM
Dani - I hope you feel better quick! Gee, it never occurred to me I could fall before the salchow. I always figured I'd fall trying to stop the turn from whipping around into the jump too much.

Anyway, I'm now a member of the "I did the wrong ending to my program" club. Oh well, it was pretty funny actually.


Mrs Redboots
02-17-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by sk8pics
Anyway, I'm now a member of the "I did the wrong ending to my program" club. Oh well, it was pretty funny actually. As my coach is forever telling me, and his other pupils, the judges don't know what you were planning to do, so if you go wrong, just wing it! They don't know it wasn't exactly what you planned.

For me, right now, I'm a member of the "Off ice due to minor illness" club, and very bored with it I am, too.