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01-03-2004, 09:18 PM
well for a look at one day which is pretty much the same as every day except sunday which i have off
it goes like this :
get up at 5:00 skate 5:30 til 7:30
then i have tutor for 2 hours then i go back on with my coach for lessons for and hour and a half then i go back to the dorms and hang out for two hours then i go back to the rink for an hour of skills and another hour and a half of freeskate practice then i wil either stay at the rink or go home for dinner for an hour till i do dance for an hour with my partner

i do this 3 days a week the other three are devoted to pairs practice where me and my partner will skate for about 4 and a half hours in the course of a day. i then have my ballet and pilate classes twice a week to goto
this is major wor nd leaves me without much if a life ehehe but i love it!!!:D

01-04-2004, 04:24 PM
Wow thats alot of work i certainly couldn't do all that!