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View Full Version : Ice dance in Halifax/NB?

12-08-2003, 09:18 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how many Maritimers we have out there but I'm hoping there might someone who can help me out.

I'm currently pulling my hair out figuring out my medical residency applications. Dalhousie is supposed to have a great family medicine program so I am most likely applying.

The program is half the year in Halifax and half the year in St John's (St John? NB) or Fredricton.

I want to keep skating during my residency. I don't think finding somewhere to freeskate should be a problem but I'm a little worried about dance: I'm partway through my Diamonds and while it hasn't been too bad finding someone to coach/partner me in Montreal, I would like an idea on how hard it'll be to find someone who teaches and partners Diamonds out east (sadly, when push comes to shove, that might really influence what my 1st choice program will be).


12-08-2003, 09:53 PM
Rinsk, do you still have Cheryl's email? She could help...

Madame Saccoche
12-09-2003, 06:59 PM
Rinsk, as far as I can remember, there are only two clubs, one in Halifax and one in Dartmouth. You'll need a car for the Dartmouth one ( there's a bridge involved...kind of like going to Brossard), I expect if you want to finish you're Diamonds you'll have to skate with Sylvain when he goes to NB, usually every six months. When I was living there Marie McNeil was coaching high dances but I don't know who's there now. The Halifax club was problematic sice they skated at the metro centre and they lost their ice when ever there was a rock concert or hockey game. Was kind of fun skating there though.

12-09-2003, 09:47 PM
Dorvalskater, can you resend me her e-mail?

Thanks, Madame Saccoche. Right now, Halifax is a crazy idea I'm playing with and even if I go, it's a 2 year program so I can keep myself busy with whatever for 2 years (pretend doubles! yay!) and get back into my diamonds afterwards (it would just be a pity to lose what I've been working on to date... especially since rumor has it the next test day will be a bust and I'm not sure how many other chances to try the Romantica I'd get if I'd be moving in July).

12-09-2003, 10:34 PM
I don't have it anymore, but I'll ask at the arena..maybe Vicky has it?

12-10-2003, 07:37 AM
There are actually a number of clubs in the Halifax area. Dalhousie Universtity has its own student run skating club. The Halifax Skating Club skates out of the Centennial Arena. It's old but it gets the job done. In Dartmouth there is Shannon Heights, Shearwater, and the Dartmouth Skating Club. There is also a group of adults who run their own sessions and they concentrate mainly on dance. Some in this group have diamond tests.
I believe you'll be hard pressed to find someone other than Marie MacNeil Bowness to do Diamonds.(maybe Louise Mathers)]
Then there is the partener issue.
If you e-mail the section office they may be able to forward your message to Cheryle. She'll be at eastern challenge this weekend, you could see her there.
Hope this is helpful.

12-11-2003, 11:07 AM
Thanks, sk8guy. This looks really useful. I'm still filling out applications and am also applying to McGill and Ottawa so am in the process of checking out what's out there.

12-13-2003, 07:35 PM
Cheryle here...who's asking?

12-15-2003, 11:34 AM

Check your PM box. I've just sent you a private message.

I took lessons from you back when you were in Montreal.