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View Full Version : Adult-friendly test judges in MD/DE/PA/VA

Debbie S
11-30-2003, 03:44 PM
After my practice this morning, I got involved in a discussion with my coach and another adult skater about the so-called adult test standards. Essentially, there is a concern about test judges in our area and whether they are actually following the adult testing standards or the more demanding standard test requirements, particularly with MIF tests. I know this is a sensitive subject around here - rest assured, I'm not looking for an "easy" test pass, just a fair evaluation. What rinks have MD/DC/No. VA/DE/southern PA skaters here found to be the most adult-friendly?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to reply here.

12-01-2003, 09:44 AM
I just moved away from the DC area last year, but here's my input:

Frankly, I honestly think it depends on the day as far as how demanding the judges are (and that goes for kids as well as adults).

I've tested at Wilmington, Univ of Delaware, The Gardens Ice House, Cabin John, Bowie and Mt Vernon all in the last three years, sometimes with the same judges. With the exception of two judges (who shall remain nameless, one no longer judges anyway) I find that all the judges have been very knowledgable about what the Adult standards are...which is very encouraging. But I do find that some judges are consistantly stricter than others.

Since you probably won't know far enough in advance of the test whot he particular judges will be, I'd say do whichever test session workd best for your schedule. Then, just do your best!

12-01-2003, 11:13 AM
I've also heard that it can be useful for the hosting club's test chair or test committee to schedule the adult tests for the beginning of the session, before anyone else has tested. That way, even with fair judges, the judges won't have the visual memory of how the people in the standard track have skated while evaluating the adult tests. Again, this is not to obtain an "easy" pass but to help ensure that the adults are evaluated on the standards that are required for their tests.

(I'm trying to learn my MIF to standard quality even though I'm testing the adult track, but I do know that there are some things I just may not do to standard quality. And there are some things on the standard tests that I'll never be able to do... :O )

12-01-2003, 02:05 PM
Coaches also always looks at the order of the skaters testing within a group. I have been asked if I would skate after others testing in my group. Also within an area the judges get to know you and your capabilities, and expect certain levels of performances.

12-01-2003, 07:51 PM
I'm an adult skater AND a judge, so I can speak from both sides! It's true that there's a wide range of expectations for adult skaters among judges. I've been on panels that passed tests I didn't think were passing, and I've seen some whose standards were much higher.

If you think the judges aren't aware of the adult standards (and they may not be--as a judge, I received an email link to that section of the USFS Web site, but no hard copies of the standards), print off the standards and ask the test chair to share them with the judges BEFORE any of the tests. Judges who haven't seen the standards should be happy to receive them--many judges have told me they have trouble knowing what standard to expect for adults.

At the same time, I know some adults who want to test standard tests and are looking for "friendly" judges. Unfortunately, we can't alter the demands of the standard tests for adults who may not have the skills of kids. That's why USFS designed adult tests!

I think if the test chair presents the materials with the attitude of "We have an/some adult test(s) today, and I understand that not everyone has received this material from USFS--would you like to look at it?" the judges will be receptive.

Good luck!!

12-02-2003, 10:19 AM
Well I've never tested but I did watch an ice dance test session once and the judges seemed perfectly able to separate the standard of the non-adults from the adults. The test had under 18's up to people in their 60's. :-) The test was held at Reston, I liked the environment, everyone who was there was polite and cheered everyone on, ofcourse I generally skate at Reston so I am more comfortable there anyway and plan on testing there for that reason alone, atleast my first couple of tests.