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11-20-2003, 09:01 PM
I'm going on three months pregnant. I would love to hear how long and to what extent those of you who have children skated during your pregnancy. I'm a coach as well as a skater. I need to be on the ice coaching through mid-March, but I'm just wondering about my own skating, what kind of things are safe, and how far I can safely push myself.

I've been skating for ten years and am very secure on my feet (for now). I am skating in our holiday exhibition next Tuesday, and plan on taking my adult silver moves test on Dec. 8. I'm not showing except for a "roll" that I already had anyway. :lol: That's about all I plan on doing until after.

So is it safe to jump, spin, etc? For how long? I can do up through lutz, but my exhibition program only has toe loops, salchows, and loops.

I'd love to hear your experiences and stories!


11-20-2003, 10:32 PM
A skater on my synchro team is in a very similar situation. She was planning to skate until January, but now her doctor has advised her that the risk may not be worth it. It might be a bigger concern in synchro, where you are skating quite fast in very close proximity. Major injuries can happen if there is a big pile-up. On the other hand, on my old team a girl was 5 months pregnant when she finished up the season. However, she was only 16, and kept it a secret from us! 8O Sorry I don't have any medical information for you. :)

11-20-2003, 11:20 PM
I knew a very experienced coach/skater who skated for her entire pregnancy. She never seemed to be bothered by her weight shift. Still, I would stop. Pregnancy is a short time thing, and your carrying a priceless gift. What IF you fell and something happened? Nomatter how good you are falls happen. I've seen almost all my rink coaches fall. You can skate again after the baby arrives. Some women at my rink claim that motherhood has made them better. =-) Congrads and best luck with your decision.


11-21-2003, 02:20 AM
Congratulations :D

My coach skated until 2 days before she gave birth! She was pretty careful but was still doing spins and footwork and single jumps (which were STILL much better than mine!). I think she was back in a couple of weeks .... I couldn't believe it. She felt fine skating but I know many who do stop skating and teach from the side. Like most things I suppose it's a matter of personal preference :)


11-21-2003, 06:47 AM
Well for the jumps and spins maybe you could just keep it to a minimum,lets say the ones that you know you can land you can try.
Same with spins,only do the basics.Dance i think you will be ok.

Aussie Willy
11-21-2003, 06:48 AM
Congrats as well.

I remember seeing a video of Dorothy Hamill doing a Hamill Camel when she was 6 months pregnant. All I could think of was how small was her tummy if she was that pregnant. But she looked like she could pretty much do everything as normal, except for her balance being thrown off a bit. Most of the world level skaters seemed to have kept skating well into their preganancies from what they have said in their autobiographies (Gordeeva and Fleming are two that come to mind).

I would probably be more concerned about being knocked over by someone else. But if you can handle it why not keep skating. You will probably know the time is right to get off the ice when you feel it.

11-21-2003, 07:15 AM
For both my pregnancies I quit skating the moment I found out. To be honest I didn't have an easy time as the first time round I had a threatened miscarriage at 6 weeks and was advised to avoid any exercise at all and gave birth 7 weeks prematurely following a placental abruption. So as soon I discovered I was pregnant for a second time I stopped. I was advised to not even swim but still gave birth 10 weeks early.

However even if you are having a straightforward pregnancy and are a strong skater, I would certainly advise you to be very careful. I wouldn't recommend any jumps or spins or intricate footwork that could put you at a risk of falling. You must also remember that during pregnancy your ligaments soften in preparation for the birth and this can result in additional damage.

As a coach I don't see that you should give up altogether. We certainly had a coach who coached up until a few hours before the birth, but she wasn't actively skating, just standing around and doing simple demonstrations.

Just go with how comfortable you are with what you can do, but all in all remember that although it may not seem like it at the time, it's only a few months and sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry.


11-21-2003, 08:53 AM
I skated to 6 months with my first pregnancy until I had spotting after a practice. Other women have skated past their due dates. (LOL!) Still others I know didn't make it past the first trimester. Fortunately, I don't know any skaters who lost a baby. (Myself included) Realize that you CAN fall and hurt yourself or the baby. Your center of gravity changes, there's a hole, rut, or trash on the ice. It only takes a second. I know most of my falls are from NOTHING -- a wrong step, catching a toe pick, whatever. I don't fall out of camels or jumps.

This question really depends on your pregnancy and health. You and your doctor should make this decision. You should talk to your doctor and take his/her advice.

Black Sheep
11-21-2003, 09:28 AM
I once skated in a Nutcracker on Ice show with a woman who was 7 months pregnant. She was as big as a house! 8-)

11-21-2003, 11:24 AM
I skated while 5 1/2 months pregnant, but to be fair, I hadn't really even been on the ice for about a year, so all I did was stroll around and try a couple of spins and half-flips (originally had through sal solid, and flip inconsistent). Had I been skating more, I would have done more, I'm sure.

My good skating buddy skated all through her pregnancy, but again, she didn't have all that many skills *to* do, so she mainly strolled around and did a few half-flips, and waltz jump attempts. She was exceptionally stable, though.

There was a coach at my rink who skated all through her pregnancy, even demonstrating single jumps in her last week. I've heard that she fell once (small kid ran into her from behind), but was just fine.

I also saw a woman compete at AN (I think, might have been Wyandotte) who was 5 months along, at Silver level.

Basically, my view is that if you have a low-risk pregnancy and are stable on the ice, skate as long as you want! Keep it to moves that you are very sure about, and if at any time you feel unstable, stop. I think that most doctors who freak out about pregnant women skating picture their patient wobbling along, hanging on to the boards! (If that's you, don't skate, :lol: but if not, I think you're fine!)

11-21-2003, 11:36 AM
I've heard that during pregnancy, some women's feet change size. My skate pro says that this is sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary. I wonder if a foot-size change along with weight gain during the pregnancy would cause the boots to stretch? Then if the feet go back to your normal size, would the boots be too loose?

This might not be too big of a problem... But Mel1977, will you be needing new boots anytime soon? If you do, I wonder if you'd get better results by waiting until after the pregnancy to get new boots....

11-21-2003, 01:17 PM
Hello Mel1977,

It's nice to know that there is someone else who is expecting on these boards too. I'm just a little over a month behind you, and I have the same concerns as you do. I spoke to my doctor about my concerns and she told me that as long as skating is part of your regular routine, and you're not trying any new daring moves, skating should be fine-- with caution. I think it's different with every person. If you have health problems or a history of miscarriages, then continuing to skate may not be a good idea.

This weekend will be my first time skating knowing that I am pregnant (I just found out about a week ago), and I wonder how it will affect my skating. I will probably be less compelled to do too many jumps, and I think that I'll continue spinning unless I feel too sick to spin. My doctor told me to listen to my body and adjust accordingly.

Congratulations and good luck to you. Please keep in touch!


11-21-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by eliao
Hello Mel1977,
This weekend will be my first time skating knowing that I am pregnant (I just found out about a week ago), and I wonder how it will affect my skating. I will probably be less compelled to do too many jumps, and I think that I'll continue spinning unless I feel too sick to spin. My doctor told me to listen to my body and adjust accordingly.


I remember when I first found out I was expecting and was determined to carry on skating, but knowing that I was pregnant completely changed the way I felt about being on the ice. I don't know if it was some strong maternal urge to protect my unborn child, but once I knew, I found myself very wary about being on the ice, and not at all "at home" on it like I usually am.


11-21-2003, 06:50 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice and experiences. Like I said my plan is to skate in our exhibition on Tuesday, and take my moves test on December 8th, and that will probably be it for my skating until after the baby is born. Our club is doing "Beauty and the Beast" in March, but I think I'll be skipping that one! (Although by then I'm sure I'd make an excellent Beast! :lol: )

My skaters that I coach are all of a level that they are pretty independent that I don't have to demonstrate every little thing. Mostly I hang by the boards and offer advice.

Eliao, the first week I skated after I found out I was more worried about spinning than jumping. It didn't make me any sicker than usual, but I was worried about that motion. Just take it easy and stick to things that you already can do solidly.

Had my first prenatal appointment Wednesday and everything was good, I even got to hear the heartbeat!

11-21-2003, 09:57 PM
HEY,CONGRATULATIONS Mel.!!!!!! That's short for Melissa right? After you have your little one. Please oh pretty please,put some pictures up? I'd love to see the next skatingforums baby.

11-21-2003, 11:27 PM
I remembered reading on the skating newsgroups about a skater who did flying camels one night while NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! If that wasn't enough, she delivered a healthy baby the next day!!! 8O 8O 8O

Mrs Redboots
11-22-2003, 01:45 PM
My husband's coach was teaching on the ice until 2 days before she gave birth (and it would have been the day before, but for the fact that there's no teaching ice at our rink on Mondays), and was back teaching, on the ice, holding a child in a harness less than a week later!

11-22-2003, 06:07 PM
My first coach skated until the day she delivered, and was back on the ice skating and coaching a week later. I remember one of the parents saying she saw her doing laybacks when she was 36 weeks pregnant. It must have been a sight to see. :) Anyway from a medical perspective, I would check with your doctor and see what they have to say. If you have a low risk pregnancy and aren't experiencing any problems skating should be fine, but if you notice any unusual pains, spotting, or anything that is concerning, I would stop. You're body will be going through some pretty big changes, so just take it easy and play it by ear. Skating in and of itself shouldn't be an issue as long as you modify to fit your changing body.

11-22-2003, 08:46 PM

My coach skated until her fifth month during her first pregnancy, when she broke her wrist in a truly freak accident involving my daughter and no fall. She skated up until a week of her due date during her second pregnancy. During the first, she was only coaching, and continued from the boards, but during her second, she had started skating for herself again, and continued with moves, dance and spins. I don't recall how much jumping she did, if any. She did say that skating was easier and more comfortable for her than walking was, and that she thought falling forward onto her belly was very unlikely.

11-23-2003, 02:32 PM
I had a coach who had continued to skate during her pregnancy but took a sudden, bad fall when she was about 7 1/2 months along. When she went to her OB/GYN to get everything checked out and told the doctor what had happened, the doctor's response was something like, "You were doing WHAT??" After that, she coached from the boards!

She was a good coach from the boards, though, and I improved a lot even though she couldn't get out there and show me stuff. I'd say your plan of skating in the show and taking your test is probably a good one, but it might be a good idea to run it by your doctor just in case. Good luck!

miss cleo
11-23-2003, 05:08 PM
Just my two cents here - my coach decided she was going to skate through her pregnancy and the doctor said fine. At five plus months she was knocked over by another skater and started contractions. It was horrible to witness. After a spell in the hospital she returned but only from the boards.
The message I would like all our pregnant skaters to get is that it doesn't matter how you feel because it isn't really about you anymore.
It's about that new life your responsible for. It is unfortunate that there are accidents at the rink but it is reality. As the sign in every rink I have here skated at says "Skate at your own Risk!" or your own and your baby's.

11-23-2003, 06:12 PM
I just had a baby....7 weeks ago.

I stopped skating when I found out because why take the risk? I never know when I'm going to fall....I've been skating for 7 years.

I've seen even more experienced skaters take some falls. I mean it could be as simple as forgetting to take off your blade guards...down you go.

But I'm not a big risk taker and from what I've heard its the first and second month, when the fetus has just attached to the uterus that is the most dangerous.....if you're going to skate probably a good idea to wait until the little guy has a hold of you first!

Congrats! This was my first and it was WONDERFUL..and my little guy is WONDERFUL! I can't skate as much as I used to, but it just doesn't seem as important anymore.......

11-23-2003, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Black Sheep
I once skated in a Nutcracker on Ice show with a woman who was 7 months pregnant. She was as big as a house! 8-)

*gasp* where do you skate?!! My rink has a nutcracker on ice and i live in the "chicago suburbia" AND there was a pregnant woman in the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-24-2003, 05:42 AM
I've had a coach who skated while pregnant, but I was having a lesson with her on public ice and a boy slid into her. Luckily, I saw it happening, and was able to hold on to her to steady her. But we agreed that the public ice lessons needed to end at that time.

About the lovely foot-enlargement disease :D I've gained a full shoe size after 2 pregnancies!


Mrs Redboots
11-24-2003, 11:23 AM
I must admit I told my husband he was not, copper-bottomed not, to ask his coach to dance with him while she was expecting. Poor woman has to do the Foxtrot with him occasionally now, though.... to my delight I find that the bit where we usually go wrong is him not me!

11-29-2003, 04:04 PM
According to my OB, the baby is well protected. It's mom who is a little off balance and risks hurting herself. You don't want to have a new baby and a broken anything at the same time. As you know, two hands and egs aren't enough once you have kids.

07-20-2004, 05:49 PM
I am Mel1977, I had to start a new account because I was off of here for awhile, forgot my password, and for some reason had trouble re-activating my account when I went to the link to ask for my password.

Anyway...I thought I'd bring this thread back from the dead just to let you know that I made it thought last skating season, through our ice show in the middle of March. I coached pretty much from the boards. I did take my Silver Moves test in December, and failed. Oh well.

My daughter was born healthy and happy on June 5, at a whopping 8 lbs. 5 oz. I had to have a c-section, but was back on the ice coaching 2 weeks later. I'll probably start skating for myself again in fall. She's a great baby!

It seems like I just started this thread back in November. How time flies!

Thank you all for your advice and encouragement! :bow:

07-20-2004, 07:44 PM
HEY!!!!!! Wwelcome back!!!

07-20-2004, 07:51 PM
I'm going on three months pregnant. I would love to hear how long and to what extent those of you who have children skated during your pregnancy. I'm a coach as well as a skater. I need to be on the ice coaching through mid-March, but I'm just wondering about my own skating, what kind of things are safe, and how far I can safely push myself.

I've been skating for ten years and am very secure on my feet (for now). I am skating in our holiday exhibition next Tuesday, and plan on taking my adult silver moves test on Dec. 8. I'm not showing except for a "roll" that I already had anyway. :lol: That's about all I plan on doing until after.

So is it safe to jump, spin, etc? For how long? I can do up through lutz, but my exhibition program only has toe loops, salchows, and loops.

I'd love to hear your experiences and stories!

Thanks! I know a woman who did double jumps all the way through her 6th month, but I think that's pretty rare. Just saw your last post, and wanted to say congrats.

07-20-2004, 10:07 PM
Congratulations on your new daughter!!! Having had a C-section myself, I think being back on the ice in just two weeks is quite an accomplishment. Thanks for letting us know how it all went.

07-21-2004, 06:45 AM
Congrats on the birth of your daughter and on getting back on the ice to coach so soon after your c-section. I bet you can't wait till the fall when you can get back out there and skate for yourself!


Mrs Redboots
07-21-2004, 07:39 AM
Many congratulations! A warm welcome to her; I wonder whether she, too, will be a skater?

07-21-2004, 09:38 AM
Here's a link to pictures if anyone is interested. Click the arrows to scroll through them... I hope this works.


She already actually has skates. My coach gave me a pair that her youngest daughter outgrew.

07-21-2004, 10:44 AM
I agree with everyone in that it's a matter of balancing personal preference and your doctors recomendations. I skated until I was four months pregnant, spins and doubles. After that I didn't feel much like skating but would have if I'd had the energy. My doc was fine with it. They only thing she didn't want me to do was take up a new sport while pregnant but told me that I could continue my other sports. I did have to stop running after three months though. Go Figure.

Congratulations and good luck!


07-21-2004, 10:49 AM
I just have to weigh in on this. I believe that being pregnant is a perfectly normal state and that you can do most things and your baby be completely safe. They are very protected in the uterus. Having said that, each pregnancy is different and each person is different and you never know what complications may arise. Skating on a hard surface where balance is so important just tells my common sense to take the cautious road.

Why take a risk just to prove that you are the super woman or that you can brag about how you are so unique. The rule is in most rinks is that you can't even carry a baby or child on the ice while you skate for fear of the unexpected, so why risk your baby's well being just because you want to skate. Have a baby or skate the choice is simple. Of course you don't hear of women losing babies because they have been ice skating because there are so few that do ice skate while pregnant. Don't risk it....don't have reqrets...don't ice skate and certainly don't jump or spin. Walking is great excercise for pregnant women.

07-21-2004, 09:42 PM
That is one beautiful baby! Congratulations!

Not sure what to tell you about being a skatemom yet. Plenty of time for that!

Mrs Redboots
07-22-2004, 04:00 AM
Isn't she just! She is charming.

07-22-2004, 10:02 AM
I've heard that during pregnancy, some women's feet change size. My skate pro says that this is sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary. I wonder if a foot-size change along with weight gain during the pregnancy would cause the boots to stretch? Then if the feet go back to your normal size, would the boots be too loose?
After I had my first daughter, my skates became a little snug. Don Klingbeil stretched them and I made do for too long.

After having the twins, and taking time off from skating, putting those skates on was torture! They were just too small. So, I toughed it out for a few months then bought new boots.

Mikawendy makes a good point.

07-22-2004, 10:05 AM
I know people who've skated through their pregnancies, but I have to admit it freaks me out. I agree w/ the above poster who pointed out "it isn't about you anymore".

I will give 2 examples to illustrate that, no matter how strong a skater you are, you simply do NOT know that you are safe on the ice.

1) The year at Skate America where, during the warmup, Todd E. tripped & went down & dislocated his shoulder--he was doing NOTHING, just slowly skating around.

2) Just a couple weeks ago, a girl at my rink, very high level (working on triples, skates a couple of hours a day), went down, total belly flop. Had she been a pregnant woman, I shudder to think what the consequences would have been. As it was, she took a long time to get up, and actually got off the session to sit down & get her breath back.

It just doesn't matter how stable you are, or if you say, I'm not really going to do anything. You just never know.

sorry to be a voice of doom here, just my 2 cents...... :oops:

07-22-2004, 10:47 AM
I skated through my 6th month. I stopped when I started feeling too cautious. I did take my Adult pre-bronze moves test while I was pregnant.

There was a coach who was pregnant at the same time as I was. She stopped really skating as soon as she became pregnant, but she continued coaching - standing in skates through her 4th month, and by the boards after that - throughout her pregnancy, up to about her 8th month.

It is a personal decision that should be made after discussions between you and your OB/GYN. You need to understand the risks involved for you and your baby. And if your pregnancy is "high risk" on its own, I wouldn't skate at all!

While I was pregnant, I didn't jump or spin. I just didn't feel comfortable doing those things. I did moves only, and these were moves that I'd been working on for some time, so felt pretty secure. In addition, as my pregnancy progressed, we started doing dance instead so that my coach could be my partner and, basically, hold me up if I tripped. I also skated only on club freestyle ice, with my coach there. I didn't skate at public sessions, or on ice where people couldn't watch out for me while they skated! My coach used to actually shoo people away from our area while I was skating, and would explain that I was pregnant and they should not come close.

I had a c-section. I didn't skate until 8 weeks post-partum. Who skated after 2 weeks? I was in too much pain at 2 weeks to even consider it! For me, anyway, I wouldn't have skated until after my 6 week post-partum check up and I got my doctor's official "ok".

If you do choose to skate while pregnant, be careful to drink extra water and don't over-exert yourself. You get overheated more quickly when you're pregnant. Listen to your body and take it easy if you need to. No need to prove anything to anyone...

07-22-2004, 02:06 PM
I had a skating coach who also skated all through her pregnancy but then again she was a coach and not a skater so she didn't no near as much jumping or spinning as skaters did. I wouldn't take the risk. because skaters do tend to fall a lot when trying harder jumps. however. If you do want to stay in shape then you could probably do some of your easy jumps that you know you never fall on like singles if your on higher jumps like doubles or just like waltz jumps. And stroking around would also keep you in shape and you would still be skating, because if you didnt skate then when you came back from your pregnancy then your legs wouldn't feel so shaky at first and you could stay in shape.

07-22-2004, 02:08 PM
I had a skating coach who also skated all through her pregnancy but then again she was a coach and not a skater so she didn't no near as much jumping or spinning as skaters did. I wouldn't take the risk. because skaters do tend to fall a lot when trying harder jumps. however. If you do want to stay in shape then you could probably do some of your easy jumps that you know you never fall on like singles if your on higher jumps like doubles or just like waltz jumps. And stroking around would also keep you in shape and you would still be skating, because if you didnt skate then when you came back from your pregnancy then your legs wouldn't feel so shaky at first and you could stay in shape.

OKay i just wrote this but I never looked at the date of when it was written. Congrats. and heres a tip for anyone who is in this situation.