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View Full Version : More boot woes! Noooooo!

07-07-2002, 07:23 AM
I really could do with an expert helping me here! :( I had new boots recently and they're broken in enough, so it's not that. Neways, in my last boots, they kept rubbing on my heel in one place, the outside corner, about an inch or so up. In my old boots, I was using thin heel pads in the boots and wore blister plasters over the spot (I haven't got blisters but they're plasters that take the pressure off, and they helped.) Anyway, because of skating like that and the boots rubbing so much, I've got a bump on both heels in this spot. I thought it would be ok with my new boots, and they're certainly better, but they've still hurt a little, especially on my right foot. In an effort to stop this, yesterday I wore half an insole extra under my right heel (the theory being that my heel would be snugger in the heel area and so not hurt). It did help at the start, but later on, the middle of my foot (especially on the outside) ached a bit. After my lessons (where the jumps I was doing were waltz, salchow, loop and half loop), it only took one toe loop for me to get pain in this spot on my right foot (I'm CW), and it wasn't even like I picked paticularly hard into the ice. I went off the ice and took off my boot and there was a dark red mark (like blood) on the inside of the boot, a little bit smaller than a penny. My foot wasn't bleeding (then, at least!) but the mark was through my sock too. I took out the half insole (which relieved the ache from that) and put the boot on losely and went into the cafe to my mum. I had bought a sheet of moleskin from Boots beforehand because I was going to try it out (it's meant to take the pressure off and says it is ideal for tight fitting shoes, and it also says it can be applied in the shoe as padding). I cut some off to try it but it says that in the case of broken skin it should only be applied over dressing, and I didn't have any plasters or anything with me. And although I now know exactly where the sore spot in the boot is thanks to the mark, I didn't want to apply it over that. I ended up not going back on the ice, I just changed (carefully) into my trainers to go home.
I'm at a loss what to do about this! My coach had already left so I couldn't ask him. Should I get those plasters again and just use them every time I skate? (I only skate once a week but using two every time - my left foot is still being rubbed in this spot too, though not as much - it will probably get pretty expensive). I don't know what to do. :( I was hoping to go skating tomorrow (Monday) because I don't have to go into college, but now I don't know if that's a good idea. Anyone? :cry:

07-07-2002, 07:40 AM
Try putting the moleskin actually in your skate. I just recently tried that on a few sore spots in my skates (I used to wear band-aids, foot foam, and paper tape on my feet in those spots when skating) and it seemed to work quite well! (I've already skated with it like that for 5 hours and it hasn't bothered me) But if you were bleeding I suggest also wearing a band-aid until that heals up. Although perhaps the reason for your soreness is different than the reason for mine, I don't know, but it's still worth a try I think! :D

07-07-2002, 09:25 AM
if you have bad blisters put a bandaid on them and use a round cosmetic sponge to keep any pressure off. just cut a whole in the middle of the sponge so it doesn't touch the blister and you're good. i always have to tape (med tape) the sponges to my ankles to keep them from moving in my skates though.

07-13-2002, 10:39 AM
[b:3a0364a9a6]My Klingbeil[/b:3a0364a9a6] :)

Maybe this'll work....

07-13-2002, 02:12 PM
I can't get on that website mel, it says it's "currently unavailable" or something.
I skated this morning and used the plasters that take the pressure off, and my heels were fine. Beats me. I hope it stays like that. My coach thinks I should use them every time I skate.
Thanks lots to all of you for your suggestions. :D Will keep them in mind.

07-13-2002, 09:42 PM
I wear achilles heel bunga pads every time I skate, just to prevent the sores/pain I was getting. It certainly is a bother having to position the sleeve inside my sock each time I lace up my skates, but it sure beats having those raw spots on my heel.

What exactly are plasters? Sounds like they're expensive and not very reusable. I think Bunga sells little round cushion pads on their website.


07-14-2002, 05:44 AM
[quote:0e9bbe885d="Schmeck"]What exactly are plasters? Sounds like they're expensive and not very reusable. I think Bunga sells little round cushion pads on their website.[/quote:0e9bbe885d]

Plasters are just what you guys call band-aids (I think) - you know, the strips you put over cuts or grazes. I'm not using regular plasters though because they don't take the pressure off. I'm using ones from Compeed, they're oval and skin colour and the box says on the back "works like a second skin. Instant pain and pressure relief. Repels water, dirt and bacteria." You leave it in place till it loosens (usually a couple of days I think). They come in little boxes with 5 in each one and cost a few quid for the box. They're for blisters but I use them for the pressure relief. They're very good. You can get them in the footcare section of Boots and from chemists etc.

07-14-2002, 10:26 AM
[quote:0f5baa3dd4="icenut84"]I'm using ones from Compeed, they're oval and skin colour and the box says on the back "works like a second skin. Instant pain and pressure relief. Repels water, dirt and bacteria." You leave it in place till it loosens (usually a couple of days I think). They come in little boxes with 5 in each one and cost a few quid for the box. They're for blisters but I use them for the pressure relief. They're very good. You can get them in the footcare section of Boots and from chemists etc.[/quote:0f5baa3dd4]

These sound very similar to the Band-Aid brand that are for blisters--waterproof and [i:0f5baa3dd4]thick[/i:0f5baa3dd4]--after application, they work with any moisture from the blister to develop a kind of gel that pads and protects and helps to heal. The patch stays on really well, for days, even through showers and skating. And even nasty, deep, open blisters heal within a couple of days. They're fantastic!

07-28-2002, 10:54 PM
i am queen of foot bumps. i get bumps from my new skates too but all i do is get one of those bunga pad sheets and cut out a little square with a hole in the middle. the bump goes in the middle of the hole and i find that when i skate it takes the pressure off my bump. they start to go away too! good luck to you.