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View Full Version : Pity Pass, Pity Pass!

10-26-2003, 07:15 PM
Just got home from badge testing at our local Basic Skills program - and I passed Freestyle 2! I've been on it for over a year, but feel like I shouldn't have passed it this time though. My backspin is pitiful, I don't check out properly, and it is as far from consistent as humanly possible. I'm calling this one a 'Pity Pass', but I'm determined to get my backspin up to par!

Daughter Icy passed FS4, with a beautiful waltz/loop. She just got her loop jump Friday, and immediately did a perfect loop/loop, the little bugger...

She also gave me a nice pep talk about why I passed - all my other elements were very secure, and my backspin was showing progress, most of them were of 2 revolutions, and that I was so close to getting it that they didn't want to hold me back. Hmm, sounds an awful lot like the little speech I gave to 2nd daughter the other day, when she was worried about her mohawks (She's sick, so didn't test, poor thing!)

Anyways, this puts Icy one step closer to finishing all of the badge levels, which is her goal before she wants to test pre-pre. Most of her friends quit at FS2-FS4, then tested, so I'm sure she'll pass pre-pre when she gets around to it, LOL!


10-26-2003, 08:20 PM
Congratulations! Remember you wouldn't have passed if the judges didn't think you were up to snuff on the majority of the elements- so pat yourself on the back!

10-26-2003, 08:54 PM
Congratulations! IMO, the key words here are "my backspin" - you have one :D and you passed!

10-28-2003, 11:38 AM
Congrats on passing your test!!! :D :D :D (Congrats to your daughter too!) That's a great accomplishment for both of you!

10-28-2003, 01:44 PM
As a local coach once told me, judges are a little less critical when judging adults only because they know an adult will normally continue to work on all of their elements until they get them right even though they have passed them in a test.