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09-19-2003, 02:25 PM
Dear Users of skating forums.com,

I was sitting over daily breakfast when i reaslised a quetion i have been meaning to ask you in quite a while!

So here it is....................
What kind of Skates do you use and why ?
Because i only just got into figure skating(1 and a half years ago) Maybe some Users could give me there opinon on what is best for them!

Well I hope i hear alot of responses because i really need the advice!!

Thankz Lutzgirlxoxoxoox

09-19-2003, 03:33 PM
I use SP-Teri super deluxe, but I've been skating almost 9 years. You probably wouldn't need such a supportive skate quite yet. I guess it depends on what you are working on. If you are a fast learner and are already working on axels, that's different. It also depends on your weight. I'm almost 6 feet tall, and well... not exactly supermodel thin, so I need a more supportive skate.
A good mid-level skate is Riedell silver or gold, or SP-Teri deluxe (different than super deluxe) Those are the only skates I've ever had (other than Don Jacksons) but I'm sure there are other good ones out there.
Good luck and sk8 gr8!

09-19-2003, 03:36 PM
I have custom fit Klingbeils and the "Stealth" blade. You won't really need custom fit skates yet though, although I highly reccommend Klingbeils and you can buy them used!

09-19-2003, 04:22 PM
Mel's right - the kind of skates you should buy should be based on your level of skating, your size, and your foot type (ie narrow heel, wide toes etc). Ask coaches and other skaters at your rink to recommend a good skate fitter.

That said, I'm an adult skater, and I have stock Klingbeils with the Ultima Elite blades. I have all my singles, working on doubles, and I am not exactly supermodel thin either ;). I really like both the boots and the blades.

09-19-2003, 04:38 PM
Thanks alot you guyz were very helpful! I have right now got Risport kweens which are great for kids(im 12:))
Im actually working on an axel right now so i think i am quite a quick learner well i have good sugestions for the future so thankyou all and have a gr8 sk8te

09-19-2003, 09:06 PM
I have custom Harlicks. I have a super skinny heel/ball that this was the only way to get a good fit. "Nobody" makes different heel and ball sizes by as much as I need. I have a 5 A heel and a 2 A ball. I also have an ankle issue that is fitted better with a custom boot. I love my Harlicks. I was told that I need a good support system because I am working on doubles, but that I also needed a lighter boot because I'm not a real big person. The folks at Harlick were great about getting and giving info. I even got a phone call from them to get my fit right. I did have to send them back once, but they fixed it and I'm happy now. They keep a record of what they made for me, and next time things will be a snap. (I hope.) I had SP Teri's before and I hated them. Took forever to break them in and they didn't help my injury issues.


09-20-2003, 03:53 AM
Dance: Harlick Customs, double duo bond, white, sheepskin/rubber tongue (gorge) and MK Dance blades

Free: Harlick Customs, quadrabond, purple, sheepskin/rubber tongue (as before ;) ) and Wilson Gold Seal blades

I wouldn't, however, recommend the quadrabond for you .... just yet ;) They're very strong, I LIKE strong boots!

Harlicks, however, have been the best boots for me by far. They're expensive but worth it. Everyone is different, though, so it's a matter of trial and error.


09-20-2003, 09:08 AM
wow some of you guys have very expensive skates! Its amazing what differnt peoeple use to fit there needs!

Mine were $550.25 and i got them a few months agao!
WELL have a gr9 sk8te

09-20-2003, 09:25 AM
Lutzgirl, I'm only a year older than you and I am working on doubles and I use Graf Edmonton Specials with Corn. Ace Blades.

09-21-2003, 08:01 AM
Who picks your skates? Coach, fitter, skater, parents?

We have a coach that likes only Riedell or Gam. Too bad if you have Jackson's foot.

09-21-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by plinko
Who picks your skates? Coach, fitter, skater, parents?

For me, its both my parents, my coach, and myself that picks what boots I get. My coach has the biggest influence on the decision, but ultimately it is up to me and my parents since they pay for it and I have to wear them.

I just received new boots this weekend, and got Reidell Gold Stars. I LOVE them! I had Reidells for my first pair, we got them used, and then my last 2 pairs have been SP-Teris. I hated those so much. I will never go back to them. I have only been in my new skates 2 days, and I can already do jumps and stuff. Moves in the feild are a little difficult and hurt my feet still.
Ive heard good and bad things about Grafs. Good thing, they are like slippers and have little break-in period. Bad thing, they cost a lot and break down really fast. One of my coaches, a senior mens competitor, goes thru 3 pairs of Grafs per year!
I love my Reidells tho:D